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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, E, 2M, O, R and S

COMMUNAUTAIRESCOMMUNAUTAIRE n. a spirit or attitude in keeping with or appropriate to the aims and principles of the European Union.
GRAMMATOLOGIESgrammatologies n. Plural of grammatology.
GRAMMATOLOGY n. the study of systems of writing.
HIEROGRAMMATEShierogrammates n. Plural of hierogrammate.
HIEROGRAMMATE n. a writer of sacred records, also HIEROGRAMMAT.
LAMPADEDROMIESLAMPADEDROMY n. a foot race with lighted torches, esp. a relay race in which the torch is passed on, also LAMPADEPHORIA.
MALLEMAROKINGSMALLEMAROKING n. the carousing of seamen in icebound ships, also MOLLIE.
MARSHMALLOWIERMARSHMALLOWY adj. of or like marshmallow.
MEGASPORANGIUMmegasporangium n. (Biology) A sporangium which produces only megaspores.
MEGASPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in heterosporous plants where the megaspores develop.
MELODRAMATISEDmelodramatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of melodramatise.
MELODRAMATISE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATIZE.
MELODRAMATISESmelodramatises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of melodramatise.
MELODRAMATISE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATIZE.
MELODRAMATISTSmelodramatists n. Plural of melodramatist.
MELODRAMATIST n. one who writes melodramas.
MELODRAMATIZESmelodramatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of melodramatize.
MELODRAMATIZE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATISE.
METACHROMATISMmetachromatism n. Metachromasia.
METACHROMATISM n. a change in colour, esp. when caused by a change in temperature.
MICROANATOMIESmicroanatomies n. Plural of microanatomy.
MICROANATOMY n. the study of microscopic tissues.
NEOGRAMMARIANSneogrammarians n. Plural of neogrammarian.
Neogrammarians n. Plural of Neogrammarian.
NEOGRAMMARIAN n. a philologist of the nineteenth century German school that introduced scientific exactitude into the study of sound change.
NONMAINSTREAMSSorry, definition not available.
STALAGMOMETERSstalagmometers n. Plural of stalagmometer.
STALAGMOMETER n. instrument for measuring surface tension by drops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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