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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, C, H, M, P, S and Y

HYPERCALCEMIAShypercalcemias n. Plural of hypercalcemia.
HYPERCALCEMIA n. an excess of calcium in the blood, also HYPERCALCAEMIA.
HYPERSARCOMATAHYPERSARCOMA n. proud or fungous flesh.
HYPOCALCAEMIAShypocalcaemias n. Plural of hypocalcaemia.
HYPOCALCAEMIA n. a deficiency of calcium in the blood, also HYPOCALCEMIA.
HYPOGLYCAEMIAShypoglycaemias n. Plural of hypoglycaemia.
HYPOGLYCAEMIA n. abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood, also HYPOGLYCEMIA.
LYMPHOSARCOMASlymphosarcomas n. Plural of lymphosarcoma.
LYMPHOSARCOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
MALACOPHYLLOUSmalacophyllous adj. (Botany) Having soft or fleshy leaves.
MALACOPHYLLOUS adj. of plants living in dry regions, having fleshy leaves in which water is stored.
METAPHYSICALLYmetaphysically adv. In a metaphysical manner.
metaphysically adv. Concerning metaphysics.
METAPHYSICAL adv. of or relating to metaphysicist, also METAPHYSIC.
METAPHYSICIANSmetaphysicians n. Plural of metaphysician.
METAPHYSICIAN n. a student of or specialist in metaphysics.
PACHYDERMATOUSpachydermatous adj. Of or relating to the pachyderms.
pachydermatous adj. Like an elephant.
pachydermatous adj. (Humorous) Thick-skinned; insensitive.
PARENCHYMATOUSparenchymatous adj. (Anatomy, zoology) Consisting or or pertaining to parenchyma; parenchymal.
parenchymatous adj. (Botany) Consisting of or relating to the cellular tissue making up the softer parts of leaves, pulp…
parenchymatous adj. (Medicine) Affecting the parenchyma.
PHANTASMICALLYphantasmically adv. In a phantasmic way.
PHANTASMICAL adv. of the nature of a phantasm, also PHANTASMAL, PHANTASMIC.
PHYSHARMONICASPHYSHARMONICA n. an early form of harmonium.
POLYCYTHAEMIASpolycythaemias n. Plural of polycythaemia.
POLYCYTHAEMIA n. a condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells, also POLYCYTHEMIA.
POLYPHARMACIESPOLYPHARMACY n. treatment with many medicines for same disease.
PSYCHODRAMATICpsychodramatic adj. Pertaining to psychodrama.
PSYCHODRAMATIC adj. relating to psychodrama.
SEMAPHORICALLYsemaphorically adv. By means of a semaphore.
SEMAPHORICAL adv. related to semaphore, also SEMAPHORIC.
UNMETAPHYSICALunmetaphysical adj. Not metaphysical.
UNMETAPHYSICAL adj. not metaphysical.
YACHTSMANSHIPSyachtsmanships n. Plural of yachtsmanship.
YACHTSMANSHIP n. the art of sailing a yacht.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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