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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, D, 2I and N

ACCIDENTALISMSACCIDENTALISM n. the theory that events do not have causes.
ACCREDITATIONSaccreditations n. Plural of accreditation.
ACCREDITATION n. the act or result of accrediting.
ACIDIFICATIONSacidifications n. Plural of acidification.
ACIDIFICATION n. the act of acidifying.
ANTIDEMOCRATICantidemocratic adj. Opposed to the tenets of democracy.
anti-democratic adj. Opposing the democratic process or democracy, especially by the use of force.
anti-democratic adj. Enforcing views contrary to that of a majority of the public.
ANTIDESICCANTSantidesiccants n. Plural of antidesiccant.
ANTIDESICCANT n. a chemical which prevents or inhibits the drying-out of a plant, etc.
ARCHIDIACONATEarchidiaconate n. Archdeaconry.
ARCHIDIACONATE n. the office of archdeacon.
CLAIRAUDIENCESclairaudiences n. Plural of clairaudience.
CLAIRAUDIENCE n. the ability to hear sounds not actually present, as spirit communications, etc.
CONTRAINDICANTcontraindicant n. (Medicine) A contraindication.
CONTRAINDICANT n. something that contraindicates.
CONTRAINDICATEcontraindicate v. (Medicine) To make inadvisable; to warn against a specific medicine or treatment.
CONTRAINDICATE v. to indicate against (an otherwise suitable medical treatment) due to a condition or circumstance.
DIACATHOLICONSdiacatholicons n. Plural of diacatholicon.
DIACATHOLICON n. (obsolete) a purgative electuary, the drug being mixed with honey or syrup.
DIACHRONICALLYdiachronically adv. In a diachronic fashion, or in diachronic terms.
DIACHRONIC adv. of the study of a subject (esp. a language) through its historical development, as opposed to synchronic.
DISINCARCERATEdisincarcerate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To liberate from prison.
DISINCARCERATE v. to free from incarceration.
DRACUNCULIASISdracunculiasis n. (Medicine) an infection caused by an infestation of the parasite Dracunculus medinensis.
DRACUNCULIASIS n. a disease that is caused by infestation with the guinea worm and that has been eradicated in most regions except Africa.
MACROPINACOIDSmacropinacoids n. Plural of macropinacoid.
MACROPINACOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINAKOID.
NONCANDIDACIESnoncandidacies n. Plural of noncandidacy.
NONCANDIDACY n. the fact of not being a candidate.
ORCHIDOMANIACSorchidomaniacs n. Plural of orchidomaniac.
ORCHIDOMANIAC n. one with an excessive enthusiasm for orchids.
TRADUCIANISTICTRADUCIANISTIC adj. relating to traducianism.
UNACCLIMATISEDunacclimatised adj. Alternative spelling of unacclimatized.
UNACCLIMATISED adj. not acclimatised, also UNACCLIMATIZED.
UNACCLIMATIZEDunacclimatized adj. Not acclimatized.
UNACCLIMATIZED adj. not acclimatized, also UNACCLIMATISED.
UNDIDACTICALLYundidactically adv. In a way that is not didactic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 160 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 122 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 138 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 55 words

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