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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 3I, P, R and S

ADIAPHORISTICadiaphoristic adj. (Theology) Theologically indifferent.
ADIAPHORISTIC adj. theologically indifferent.
ANTIPARASITICantiparasitic adj. (Medicine) That counters infection by parasites.
antiparasitic n. (Medicine) A pesticide that counters infection by parasites.
ANTIPARASITIC n. a drug designed to counter parasites.
BIPARTISANISMbipartisanism n. Bipartisanship.
BIPARTISANISM n. the state of being bipartisan.
CAPILLARITIEScapillarities n. Plural of capillarity.
CAPILLARITY n. the property or state of being capillary.
DIAPHRAGMITISdiaphragmitis n. (Rare) Inflammation of the diaphragm.
DIAPHRAGMITIS n. inflammation of the diaphragm, also DIAPHRAGMATITIS.
DRAPABILITIESdrapabilities n. Plural of drapability.
DRAPABILITY n. the state of being drapable, also DRAPEABILITY.
HEMIPARASITIChemiparasitic adj. Semiparasitic.
HEMIPARASITIC adj. of or like a hemiparasite.
INSPIRATIONALinspirational adj. Having the ability to inspire.
inspirational n. A book or article intended to inspire people with positive feelings.
INSPIRATIONAL adj. relating to inspiration.
LIBRARIANSHIPlibrarianship n. The act of operating of a library; service as a librarian.
LIBRARIANSHIP n. the office of librarian.
PARASITICIDALparasiticidal adj. Killing parasites.
PARASITICIDAL adj. destructive to parasites.
PARASITICIDESparasiticides n. Plural of parasiticide.
PARASITICIDE n. the killing of parasites.
PARVANIMITIESparvanimities n. Plural of parvanimity.
PARVANIMITY n. pettiness, meanness.
PEDIATRICIANSpediatricians n. Plural of pediatrician.
PEDIATRICIAN n. a specialist in pediatrics.
PIACULARITIESpiacularities n. Plural of piacularity.
PIACULARITY n. the state of being piacular.
PRAEDIALITIESPRAEDIALITY n. the state of being praedial.
PRIMIGRAVIDASprimigravidas n. Plural of primigravida.
PRIMIGRAVIDA n. (Lat.) a woman pregnant for the first time.
PRIVATISATIONprivatisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of privatization.
PRIVATISATION n. the act of privatising, also PRIVATIZATION.
RADIOPACITIESradiopacities n. Plural of radiopacity.
RADIOPACITY n. the state of being radio-opaque i.e. not allowing radio waves through.
SEMIPARASITICsemiparasitic adj. (Botany) Describing a plant that, although it uses photosynthesis, obtains some nutrition from other plants.
semiparasitic adj. (Biology) Having moderate infectiousness for living tissue.
SEMIPARASITIC adj. of, relating to, or being a parasitic plant that contains some chlorophyll and is capable of photosynthesis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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