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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, H, I, L, M and 2T

AMPHISTOMATALAMPHISTOMATAL adj. of a leaf, having stomata on both surfaces, also AMPHISTOMATIC.
AMPHITHEATRALamphitheatral adj. Alternative form of amphitheatrical.
AMPHITHEATRAL adj. of or like an amphitheatre.
ANATHEMATICALanathematical adj. Anathematic.
ANATHEMATICAL n. an anathema, a formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
ANTILOGARITHMantilogarithm n. (Mathematics) The number of which a given number is the logarithm (to a given base).
ANTILOGARITHM n. a number of which a given number is the logarithm, also ANTILOG.
ASTHMATICALLYasthmatically adv. In an asthmatic manner.
ASTHMATICAL adv. suffering from asthma.
ATHEMATICALLYATHEMATIC adv. without a thematic vowel.
BATHYMETRICALbathymetrical adj. Alternative form of bathymetric.
BATHYMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by a bathymeter, also BATHYMETRIC.
EPITHELIOMATAepitheliomata n. Plural of epithelioma.
EPITHELIOMA n. a tumour of the epithelium.
HAEMATOLOGISThaematologist n. A scientist, usually a medical doctor, who specializes in haematology.
hæmatologist n. Obsolete form of hematologist.
HAEMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in haematology, also HEMATOLOGIST.
HEMATOBLASTIChematoblastic adj. Alternative form of haematoblastic.
HEMATOBLASTIC adj. of or like hematoblast, a blood platelet, also HAEMATOBLASTIC.
HEPTAMETRICALheptametrical adj. Alternative form of heptametric.
HEPTAMETRICAL adj. of or like a heptameter.
PHANTASMALITYphantasmality n. The quality of being phantasmal.
PHANTASMALITY n. the state of being phantasmal.
SYMPATHETICALsympathetical adj. Alternative form of sympathetic.
SYMPATHETICAL adj. (obsolete) sympathetic, also SYMPATHETIC.
TACHOMETRICALTACHOMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by tachometer, also TACHOMETRIC.
TACHYMETRICALTACHYMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by tachymeter, also TACHYMETRIC.
THEATRICALISMtheatricalism n. Theatrical style or behaviour.
THEATRICALISM n. the state of being theatrical.
THEOREMATICALtheorematical adj. (Archaic) theorematic.
THEOREMATICAL adj. relating to theorems, also THEOREMATIC, THEOREMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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