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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, H, I, 2L, O and T

AHISTORICALLYahistorically adv. In an ahistorical way.
ALLELOPATHIESallelopathies n. Plural of allelopathy.
ALLELOPATHY n. an adverse influence exerted either by one individual plant over another by the production of a chemical inhibitor.
CHROMATICALLYchromatically adv. In a chromatic manner.
CHROMATIC adv. relating to colour.
GNATHONICALLYGNATHONICAL adv. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONIC.
HALIPLANKTONSHALIPLANKTON n. plankton living in sea water.
HALLUCINATIONhallucination n. A sensory perception of something that does not exist, often arising from disorder of the nervous system…
hallucination n. The act of hallucinating; a wandering of the mind; an error, mistake or blunder.
hallucination n. (Artificial intelligence) A confident but incorrect response given by an artificial intelligence.
HALLUCINATORShallucinators n. Plural of hallucinator.
HALLUCINATOR n. one who hallucinates.
HALLUCINATORYhallucinatory adj. Partaking of, or tending to produce, hallucination.
HALLUCINATORY adj. tending to produce hallucination, also HALLUCINATIVE.
HEMATOLOGICALhematological adj. Hematologic.
HEMATOLOGICAL adj. of or relating to blood or to hematology, also HAEMATOLOGIC, HAEMATOLOGICAL, HEMATOLOGIC.
HOJATOLISLAMShojatolislams n. Plural of hojatolislam.
HOJATOLISLAM n. an Iranian cleric below the rank of ayatollah, also HOJATOLESLAM.
LITHOLAPAXIESlitholapaxies n. Plural of litholapaxy.
LITHOLAPAXY n. the operation of crushing stone in the bladder and working it out.
LOGARITHMICALlogarithmical adj. Alternative form of logarithmic.
LOGARITHMICAL adj. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMIC.
OCHLOCRATICALochlocratical adj. Pertaining to ochlocracy.
OCHLOCRATICAL adj. relating to ochlocracy, rule by the mob, also OCHLOCRATIC.
PHILOMATHICALphilomathical adj. Philomathic.
PHILOMATHICAL adj. loving learning, also PHILOMATHIC.
SULFATHIAZOLEsulfathiazole n. (Pharmacology) A short-acting sulfa drug, a common oral and topical antimicrobial prior to the discovery…
SULFATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULPHATHIAZOLE.
THALAMIFLORALthalamifloral adj. (Botany) Bearing the stamens directly on the receptacle.
THALAMIFLORAL adj. having petals free and stamens hypogynous.
THRASONICALLYthrasonically adv. In a thrasonical manner.
THRASONICAL adv. given to or marked by boasting and bragging, also THRASONIC.
TROPHALLACTICtrophallactic adj. Relating to trophallaxis.
TROPHALLACTIC adj. relating to trophallaxis, mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 33 words

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