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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, G, I, M, O, P and R

AGAMOSPERMIESAGAMOSPERMY n. the formation of seeds without fertilisation.
ANEMOGRAPHIESANEMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of an anemograph, an instrument for measuring pressure and velocity of wind.
APPROXIMATINGapproximating v. Present participle of approximate.
APPROXIMATE v. to come close to.
CINEMATOGRAPHcinematograph n. (Historical) A camera that could develop its own film and served as its own projector.
cinematograph v. (Rare) To employ the techniques of cinematography.
CINEMATOGRAPH v. to record by movie projector.
CLIMATOGRAPHYclimatography n. A scientific description of climates.
CLIMATOGRAPHY n. a description of climates.
DEMOGRAPHICALdemographical adj. Of or relating to demography; demographic.
DEMOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to demography, also DEMOGRAPHIC.
HOMALOGRAPHIChomalographic adj. (Cartography) Of a map, equal-area.
HOMALOGRAPHIC adj. of a map projection, showing area accurately and therefore distorting shape and direction, also HOMOLOGRAPHIC.
IAMBOGRAPHERSiambographers n. Plural of iambographer.
IAMBOGRAPHER n. one who writes in iambics.
KARYOMAPPINGSKARYOMAPPING n. a technique for determining whether an embryo has inherited a genetic defect by analysing DNA taken from it and its close relatives.
KINEMATOGRAPHkinematograph n. Alternative form of cinematograph.
KINEMATOGRAPH n. an apparatus for filming, printing and projecting a series of instantaneous photographs so as to give a moving representation of a scene, also CINEMATOGRAPH.
LIPOGRAMMATIClipogrammatic adj. Omitting a letter; composed of words not having a certain letter or letters.
LIPOGRAMMATIC adj. of or like a lipogram, a piece of writing that avoids one or more letters of the alphabet.
MAMMOGRAPHIESmammographies n. Plural of mammography.
MAMMOGRAPHY n. an X-ray of the breast.
MARCONIGRAPHSmarconigraphs n. Plural of marconigraph.
MARCONIGRAPH v. to send a message by wireless telegraphy.
MASTIGOPHORANmastigophoran n. (Zoology) Any member of superclass Mastigophora of protozoa.
mastigophoran n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Mastigophora of liverworts.
MASTIGOPHORAN n. any protozoan having one or more flagella, also MASTIGOPHORE.
MEGASPORANGIAmegasporangia n. Plural of megasporangium.
MEGASPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in heterosporous plants where the megaspores develop.
MONOGRAPHICALmonographical adj. Alternative form of monographic.
MONOGRAPHICAL adj. of or like a monograph, also MONOGRAPHIC.
NOMOGRAPHICALnomographical adj. Nomographic.
NOMOGRAPHICAL adj. of or like a nomograph, also NOMOGRAPHIC.
PHARMACOLOGICpharmacologic adj. (Pharmacology) Relating to pharmacology.
pharmacologic n. Such a drug.
PHARMACOLOGIC adj. relating to pharmacology, also PHARMACOLOGICAL.
PROPAGANDISMSpropagandisms n. Plural of propagandism.
PROPAGANDISM n. the practice of propagating tenets or principles.
SPERMATOGONIAspermatogonia n. Plural of spermatogonium.
SPERMATOGONIUM n. a primitive male germ cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 104 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 176 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 45 words

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