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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2E, H, N, P and T

ACETAMINOPHENacetaminophen n. (North America) A white crystalline compound used in medicine as an anodyne to relieve pain and reduce fever.
ACETAMINOPHEN n. (US) paracetamol, a chemical compound used in medicine to relieve pain and fever.
BALNEOTHERAPYbalneotherapy n. The treatment of disease by bathing.
BALNEOTHERAPY n. treatment by natural waters.
DIAPHANEITIESdiaphaneities n. Plural of diaphaneity.
DIAPHANEITY n. the quality of transmitting light.
DIAPHANOMETERdiaphanometer n. An instrument for measuring the transparency of a fluid.
DIAPHANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the transparency of air.
ELEPHANTIASESelephantiases n. Plural of elephantiasis.
ELEPHANTIASIS n. enlargement and thickening of tissues.
ELEPHANTIASICelephantiasic adj. Relating to elephantiasis.
ELEPHANTIASIC adj. suffering from elephantiasis.
ELEPHANTIASISelephantiasis n. (Pathology) A complication of chronic filariasis, in which nematode worms block the lymphatic vessels…
elephantiasis n. (Pathology, obsolete) Synonym of leprosy.
ELEPHANTIASIS n. enlargement and thickening of tissues.
ENCEPHALOMATAencephalomata n. Plural of encephaloma.
ENCEPHALOMA n. a brain tumour.
HAPPENSTANCEShappenstances n. Plural of happenstance.
HAPPENSTANCE n. a circumstance esp. that is due to chance, also HAPPENCHANCE.
HEPTADECANOICheptadecanoic adj. Of or pertaining to heptadecanoic acid or its derivatives; margaric.
HEPTADECANOIC adj. as in heptadecanoic acid, a saturated fatty acid, aka margaric acid.
HERPETOFAUNASherpetofaunas n. Plural of herpetofauna.
HERPETOFAUNA n. (Latin) snake life.
PANAESTHESIASPANAESTHESIA n. totality of perception; general awareness, also PANAESTHETISM.
PANAESTHETISMpanaesthetism n. The theory that all matter is conscious.
PANAESTHETISM n. totality of perception; general awareness, also PANAESTHESIA.
PANTOTHENATESpantothenates n. Plural of pantothenate.
PANTOTHENATE n. a salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
PARASYNTHESESparasyntheses n. Plural of parasynthesis.
PARASYNTHESIS n. the derivation of words using hyphenated compounds.
PARENTHETICALparenthetical adj. Using, containing, or within parenthesis.
parenthetical adj. That explains or qualifies something.
parenthetical adj. That is incidental.
PENTAHYDRATESpentahydrates n. Plural of pentahydrate.
PENTAHYDRATE n. a hydrated compound containing five moles of water per mole of the compound; a hydrated species containing five water molecules.
PHALANSTERIESphalansteries n. Plural of phalanstery.
PHALANSTERY n. a Fourierist cooperative community.
RAMAPITHECINEramapithecine n. Any extinct hominoid of the genus †Ramapithecus (now known as †Sivapithecus).
RAMAPITHECINE n. an early Pliocene genus of primates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 137 words
  • Scrabble in French: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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