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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, 2N, 2R and T

AVERRUNCATINGaverruncating v. Present participle of averruncate.
AVERRUNCATE v. (archaic) to ward off; to uproot.
AVERRUNCATIONaverruncation n. (Archaic, rare) (The act of) warding off, averting (something evil).
averruncation n. Eradication, uprooting.
AVERRUNCATION n. the act of averruncating.
CONFARREATIONconfarreation n. (Ancient Rome) A form of marriage in Ancient Rome that was solemnized with cakes made from far (spelt).
CONFARREATION n. a Roman patrician mode of marriage, in which a spelt cake was offered up.
CONTRARIANISMcontrarianism n. Beliefs and practices of a contrarian.
DOCTRINARIANSdoctrinarians n. Plural of doctrinarian.
DOCTRINARIAN n. a doctrinaire, an impractical theorist.
INCARCERATINGincarcerating v. Present participle of incarcerate.
INCARCERATE v. to put in prison.
INCARCERATIONincarceration n. (Chiefly US) The act of confining, or the state of being confined; imprisonment.
incarceration n. (Surgery, dated) strangulation, as in hernia.
incarceration n. A constriction of the hernial sac, rendering it irreducible, but not great enough to cause strangulation.
NARROWCASTINGnarrowcasting v. Present participle of narrowcast.
narrowcasting n. The act or practice of narrowcasting.
NARROWCASTING n. the distribution of material on video tapes, cassettes etc.
NONCHARACTERSnoncharacters n. Plural of noncharacter.
NONCHARACTER n. one who is not a character.
NONPARAMETRICnonparametric adj. (Mathematics) Having a flexible number or nature of parameters which are not fixed in advance.
nonparametric adj. (Statistics) Free of assumptions about the frequency distributions of the variables being assessed.
non-parametric adj. Alternative form of nonparametric.
REINCARNATINGreincarnating v. Present participle of reincarnate.
REINCARNATE v. to incarnate again.
REINCARNATIONreincarnation n. A rebirth of a soul, in a physical life form, such as a body.
reincarnation n. The philosophy of such a rebirth, a specific belief or doctrine on how such a rebirth occurs.
reincarnation n. A fresh embodiment.
TRANSPARENCEStransparences n. Plural of transparence.
TRANSPARENCE n. the state of being transparent, also TRANSPARENCY.
TRANSPORTANCEtransportance n. (Obsolete) transportation.
TRANSPORTANCE n. (Shakespeare) conveyance, transport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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