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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, E, H, 2L and Y

AESTHETICALLYaesthetically adv. In an aesthetic manner; with a pleasing sensory effect.
æsthetically adv. Obsolete spelling of aesthetically.
AESTHETICAL adv. keenly appreciative of the beautiful, also AESTHETIC, ESTHETIC, ESTHETICAL.
APATHETICALLYapathetically adv. In an apathetic manner.
APATHETICAL adv. lacking feeling or passion, also APATHETIC.
ATHEISTICALLYatheistically adv. In an atheistic manner.
ATHEISTICAL adv. like an atheist, also ATHEISTIC.
ATHEMATICALLYATHEMATIC adv. without a thematic vowel.
AUTHENTICALLYauthentically adv. In an authentic manner; with the requisite or genuine authority.
AUTHENTICAL adv. (archaic) authentic.
CLEARHEADEDLYclearheadedly adv. In a clearheaded manner.
CLEARHEADED adv. having or showing a clear understanding.
COLLENCHYMATACOLLENCHYMA n. the supportive tissue of plants.
GRAPHEMICALLYgraphemically adv. In terms of or by means of graphemes.
GRAPHEMIC adv. of or like a grapheme, a letter of the alphabet.
HEPTASYLLABICheptasyllabic adj. Having seven syllables.
HEPTASYLLABIC adj. having seven syllables.
INTRATHECALLYintrathecally adv. In an intrathecal way; into the spinal canal.
INTRATHECAL adv. introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
LETHARGICALLYlethargically adv. In a lethargic manner, without energy, tiredly.
LETHARGICAL adv. showing lethargy, also LETHARGIC.
MEGALOCEPHALYmegalocephaly n. Synonym of macrencephaly.
MEGALOCEPHALY n. the condition of having an unusually large head or cranial capacity, also MEGACEPHALY.
MYELENCEPHALAmyelencephala n. Plural of myelencephalon.
MYELENCEPHALON n. the posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata.
PHYLACTERICALphylacterical adj. Phylacteric.
PHYLACTERICAL adj. of or like a phylactery, a slip of parchment inscribed with certain passages of Scripture, worn in a box on the left arm or forehead by Jewish men, also PHYLACTERIC.
PLAGIOCEPHALYplagiocephaly n. (Pathology) A congenital condition where the skull suffers an oblique malformation.
PLAGIOCEPHALY n. a twisted condition of the head, the front of the skull being larger on one side, the back larger on the other.
PLATYCEPHALICplatycephalic adj. (Anatomy) Having a broad head.
PLATYCEPHALIC adj. having the vault of the skull flattened, also PLATYCEPHALOUS.
RHEUMATICALLYrheumatically adv. In a rheumatic manner.
RHEUMATICAL adv. relating to rheumatism, also RHEUMATIC.
SCHEMATICALLYschematically adv. In the manner of a schematic. Drawn or described rather than an example.
SCHEMATICAL adv. involving a particular plan, also SCHEMATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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