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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, D, E, M, N and T

ACCIDENTALISMaccidentalism n. Accidental character or effect.
accidentalism n. The belief that outward appearance often contrasts with substance or essence (after Thomas Aquinas).
accidentalism n. A system of medicine based on belief that symptoms of disease are caused by external factors.
ADIATHERMANCYadiathermancy n. (Obsolete) A resistance to the flow of heat.
ADIATHERMANCY n. impermeability to radiant energy.
ADMINICULATEDadminiculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of adminiculate.
ADMINICULATE v. to support by corroboratory evidence.
ADMINICULATESadminiculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adminiculate.
ADMINICULATE v. to support by corroboratory evidence.
ADRENALECTOMYadrenalectomy n. (Surgery) The removal of one or both adrenal glands, usually advised for patients with tumours in those glands.
ADRENALECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the adrenal glands.
ANECDOTALISMSANECDOTALISM n. the relating of anecdotes.
ARCHIMANDRITEarchimandrite n. (Ecclesiastical) The superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church.
archimandrite n. (Ecclesiastical) An honorary title sometimes given to a monastic priest.
ARCHIMANDRITE n. the head of a monastery or convent.
COASTGUARDMENcoastguardmen n. Plural of coastguardman.
COASTGUARDMAN n. a member of a coast guard, also COASTGUARDSMAN.
DECONTAMINANTdecontaminant n. Any substance used for decontamination.
DECONTAMINANT n. an agent that decontaminates.
DECONTAMINATEdecontaminate v. (Transitive) To remove contamination from (something), rendering it safe.
DECONTAMINATE v. to rid of contamination.
DOCUMENTARIANdocumentarian n. A person whose profession is to create documentary films.
documentarian n. A person who writes software documentation.
documentarian n. A person who cares about communication and documentation.
ENCHONDROMATAenchondromata n. Plural of enchondroma.
ENCHONDROMA n. an abnormal cartilaginous growth.
HANDCRAFTSMENhandcraftsmen n. Plural of handcraftsman.
HANDCRAFTSMAN n. a person who is skilled in handicraft.
MEDICAMENTARYmedicamentary adj. Of or relating to medicament; medicinal.
MEDICAMENTARY adj. relating to medicaments, also MEDICAMENTAL.
PREDICAMENTALpredicamental adj. Relating to a predicament.
PREDICAMENTAL adj. of or like a predicament.
QUARTODECIMANQuartodeciman n. Any of a group of early Christians (especially in Asia Minor) who observed Pascha (Christian Passover…
Quartodeciman adj. Of or pertaining to these people.
QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday.
READMITTANCESreadmittances n. Plural of readmittance.
READMITTANCE n. the act of readmitting.
TETRADRACHMONtetradrachmon n. Alternative form of tetradrachm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 122 words
  • Scrabble in French: 70 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 164 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 132 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 111 words

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