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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, N, O, P and T

ACCEPTILATIONacceptilation n. (Civil law) Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission.
acceptilation n. (Theology) The doctrine, laid down by Duns Scotus and maintained by the Arminians, that the satisfaction…
ACCEPTILATION n. the remission of a debt without payment or by accepting a nominal payment only.
ACCOMPANIMENTaccompaniment n. (Music) A part, usually performed by instruments, that gives support or adds to the background in music…
accompaniment n. That which accompanies; something that attends as a circumstance, or which is added to give greater…
ACCOMPANIMENT n. an instrumental or vocal part designed to complement a melody.
ACCOMPANYISTSaccompanyists n. Plural of accompanyist.
ACCOMPANYIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANIST.
CAPACITATIONScapacitations n. Plural of capacitation.
CAPACITATION n. the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an egg.
CAPRIFICATIONcaprification n. A process for ripening, or pollinating, figs by means of their being punctured artificially, in a manner…
CAPRIFICATION n. a method of promoting the pollination of figs by hanging branches of caprifig flowers so that parasitic gall-wasps living on the female flowers can carry pollen to the wild fig.
CLEPTOMANIACScleptomaniacs n. Plural of cleptomaniac.
CLEPTOMANIAC n. a person having an obsessive urge to steal, also KLEPTO, KLEPTOMANIAC.
HEPTADECANOICheptadecanoic adj. Of or pertaining to heptadecanoic acid or its derivatives; margaric.
HEPTADECANOIC adj. as in heptadecanoic acid, a saturated fatty acid, aka margaric acid.
NONACCEPTANCEnonacceptance n. A neglect or refusal to accept.
NONACCEPTANCE n. lack of acceptance.
PACIFICATIONSpacifications n. Plural of pacification.
PACIFICATION n. the act of pacifying.
PANTISOCRATICpantisocratic adj. Of or pertaining to a pantisocracy.
PANTISOCRATIC adj. relating to pantisocracy, also PANTISOCRATICAL.
PEDANTOCRATICpedantocratic adj. Promoting or relating to pedantocracy.
PEDANTOCRATIC adj. relating to pedantocracy, government by pedants.
PLANTOCRACIESplantocracies n. Plural of plantocracy.
PLANTOCRACY n. government by plantation owners.
PLATINOCYANICPLATINOCYANIC adj. as in platinocyanic acid.
SCAPULOMANTICscapulomantic adj. Alternative form of scapulimantic.
SCAPULOMANTIC adj. related to scapulomancy, divination involving a shoulder blade which has been charred or cracked from a fire.
SYCOPHANTICALsycophantical adj. Alternative form of sycophantic.
SYCOPHANTICAL adj. (obsolete) sycophantic, also SYCOPHANTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 99 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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