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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, D, 2I and T

ACCIDENTALISMaccidentalism n. Accidental character or effect.
accidentalism n. The belief that outward appearance often contrasts with substance or essence (after Thomas Aquinas).
accidentalism n. A system of medicine based on belief that symptoms of disease are caused by external factors.
ACCIDENTALITYaccidentality n. The quality of being accidental; accidentalness.
ACCIDENTALITY n. the quality of being accidental.
ACCREDITATIONaccreditation n. The giving of credentials.
accreditation n. The act of accrediting.
accreditation n. (Education) The granting of approval to an institution of higher learning by an official review board…
ACIDIFICATIONacidification n. The act or process of making something sour (acidifying), or changing into an acid.
ACIDIFICATION n. the act of acidifying.
ACIDIMETRICALacidimetrical adj. Alternative form of acidimetric.
ACIDIMETRICAL adj. relating to acidimetry, the measurement of the strength of acids.
ANTIDESICCANTantidesiccant adj. Preventing desiccation.
antidesiccant n. A substance that prevents desiccation.
ANTIDESICCANT n. a chemical which prevents or inhibits the drying-out of a plant, etc.
APODICTICALLYapodictically adv. (Logic) In an apodictical manner.
APODICTICAL adv. (archaic) necessarily true, also APODEICTIC, APODEICTICAL, APODICTIC.
BACTERIOCIDALbacteriocidal adj. Alternative form of bactericidal.
CARCINOMATOIDcarcinomatoid adj. (Medicine) Having an appearance resembling that of carcinomata, often histopathologically.
CARCINOMATOID adj. having the shape of a carcinoma.
CLADISTICALLYcladistically adv. Regarding or in terms of cladistics.
CLADISTIC adv. relating to cladism, a method of taxonomy.
CLAUDICATIONSclaudications n. Plural of claudication.
CLAUDICATION n. the state of being lame.
DIACATHOLICONdiacatholicon n. (Medicine, dated) A universal remedy; a certain purgative electuary.
DIACATHOLICON n. (obsolete) a purgative electuary, the drug being mixed with honey or syrup.
DIACRITICALLYdiacritically adv. In a diacritical manner.
DIACRITICAL adv. distinctive; serving as a diacritic.
DIALECTICALLYdialectically adv. In a dialectical manner; logically.
dialectically adv. Regarding dialectics.
DIALECTICAL adv. relating to the dialectic, the art of arriving at the truth by disclosing the contradictions in the opponent's argument and overcoming them.
DIALECTICIANSdialecticians n. Plural of dialectician.
DIALECTICIAN n. one who is skilled in or practices dialectic.
DISCAPACITATEdiscapacitate v. (Transitive) To deprive of capacity; to incapacitate.
DISCAPACITATE v. to incapacitate.
INCAPACITATEDincapacitated v. Simple past tense of incapacitate.
incapacitated adj. Rendered unable to act; restricted from taking action.
INCAPACITATE v. to make legally incapable or ineligible.
TRISACCHARIDEtrisaccharide n. (Biochemistry) An oligosaccharide consisting of three monosaccharide units joined together.
TRISACCHARIDE n. a sugar that yields on complete hydrolysis three monosaccharide molecules.
UNDIALECTICALundialectical adj. Not dialectical.
UNDIALECTICAL adj. not dialectical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 118 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 64 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 168 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 74 words

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