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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, E, 2I, L and N

ANTIBACTERIALantibacterial adj. (Pharmacology) Killing or inhibiting bacteria.
antibacterial adj. (Archaic) Opposing the theory that diseases are caused by bacteria.
antibacterial n. (Pharmacology) A drug having the effect of killing or inhibiting bacteria.
ANTICIPATABLEanticipatable adj. Capable of being anticipated.
ANTICIPATABLE adj. capable of being anticipated.
ANTIDIARRHEALantidiarrheal adj. Preventing or treating diarrhea.
antidiarrheal n. A substance or drug having such capabilities.
ANTIDIARRHEAL n. a drug used to counter diarrhea.
ARCHIPELAGIANARCHIPELAGIAN adj. of, relating to, or located in an archipelago, also ARCHIPELAGIC.
CELIBATARIANScelibatarians n. Plural of celibatarian.
CELIBATARIAN n. a person who lives in celibacy, advocating celibacy.
EQUALITARIANSequalitarians n. Plural of equalitarian.
EQUALITARIAN n. an egalitarian.
EXAMINATIONALexaminational adj. Relating to an examination.
EXAMINATIONAL adj. relating to examination.
INEGALITARIANinegalitarian adj. Opposing equality.
inegalitarian n. One who does not support equality; a subscriber to inegalitarianism.
inégalitarian adj. Rare spelling of inegalitarian.
INTRAPARIETALintraparietal adj. (Anatomy) Within the wall of part of the body, especially within the parietal region of the brain.
INTRAPARIETAL adj. within walls, private; situated in the parietal lobe of the brain.
MACHIAVELIANSMACHIAVELIAN n. a politically cunning person, also MACHIAVELLIAN.
MACHIAVELLIANmachiavellian adj. Alternative form of Machiavellian.
Machiavellian adj. Attempting to achieve goals by cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous methods, especially in politics or…
Machiavellian adj. Related to the philosophical system of Niccolò Machiavelli.
MANAGEABILITYmanageability n. The characteristic of being manageable.
MANAGEABILITY n. the state of being manageable.
MANAGERIALISMmanagerialism n. The ideological principle that societies are equivalent to the sum of the transactions made by the managements…
managerialism n. The fact or discipline of running things according to managerial techniques.
MANAGERIALISM n. the adoption of business methods and management structures in the running of public services, etc.
MANAGERIALISTmanagerialist n. A proponent of managerialism.
MANAGERIALIST n. a proponent of managerialism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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