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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, I, 2N, P, R and T

ANTEPRANDIALanteprandial adj. Before a meal, especially before dinner.
ANTEPRANDIAL adj. before dinner.
APPERTAININGappertaining v. Present participle of appertain.
APPERTAIN v. to relate to.
INAPPARENTLYinapparently adv. In a way that is not apparent or obvious.
INAPPARENT adv. not apparent.
INTRACOMPANYintracompany adj. Occurring within or between the branches of a company.
INTRACOMPANY adj. occurring within or taking place between branches or employees of a company.
NANOPARTICLEnanoparticle n. Any microscopic particle less than about 100 nanometers (nm) in diameter.
NANOPARTICLE n. a particle with dimensions of about 5-40 nanometres.
NONPARASITICnonparasitic adj. Not parasitic.
NONPARASITIC adj. not parasitic.
NONPARTISANSnonpartisans n. Plural of nonpartisan.
NONPRACTICALnonpractical adj. Not practical.
NONPRACTICAL adj. not practical.
PARANTHELIONparanthelion n. A diffuse whitish image of the Sun, having the same altitude, at an angular distance of about 120° due…
PARANTHELION n. a diffuse whitish image of the sun, having the same altitude.
PARAPENTINGSPARAPENTING n. a cross between hang-gliding and parachuting, a sport in which the participant jumps from a high place wearing a modified type of parachute, which is then used as a hang-glider.
PREMALIGNANTpremalignant adj. Precancerous.
PREMALIGNANT adj. precancerous.
PROFANATIONSprofanations n. Plural of profanation.
PROFANATION n. the act or an instance of profaning.
RATAPLANNINGrataplanning v. Present participle of rataplan.
RATAPLAN v. to make a rapidly repeating sound, as on a drum.
REPAGINATINGrepaginating v. Present participle of repaginate.
REPAGINATE v. to paginate again.
REPAGINATIONrepagination n. The act or process of repaginating.
REPAGINATION n. the act of repaginating.
REPLANTATIONreplantation n. Replanting.
replantation n. (Surgery) The reattachment of a severed body part.
REPLANTATION n. reattachment or reinsertion of a bodily part (as a limb or tooth) after separation from the body.
STRAPHANGINGstraphanging v. Present participle of straphang.
strap-hanging adj. Relating to standing passengers, hanging on to a strap or rail provided in a bus or train.
strap-hanging v. Present participle of strap-hang.
TRANSALPINESTransalpines n. Plural of Transalpine.
TRANSALPINE n. an inhabitant of the region beyond the Alps.
TRANSSHAPINGtransshaping v. Present participle of transshape.
TRANSSHAPE v. to change into another shape.
TREPANATIONStrepanations n. Plural of trepanation.
TREPANATION n. a surgical cutting open of the skull, also TREPHINATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 126 words
  • Scrabble in French: 79 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 159 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 142 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 84 words

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