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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2I, O, 2R and S

AIRBOARDINGSAIRBOARDING n. the sport of riding an airboard.
ARBITRATIONSarbitrations n. Plural of arbitration.
ARBITRATION n. the action of arbitrating.
ARISTOCRATICaristocratic adj. Of, pertaining to, or favouring, an aristocracy.
aristocratic adj. Similar to the aristocracy; characteristic of, the aristocracy.
ARISTOCRATIC adj. belonging to an aristocracy, also ARISTOCRATICAL.
CURARISATIONcurarisation n. Alternative form of curarization.
CURARISATION n. the process of curarising, also CURARIZATION.
DIVARICATORSdivaricators n. Plural of divaricator.
DIVARICATOR n. one who divaricates.
IRRADIATIONSirradiations n. Plural of irradiation.
IRRADIATION n. exposure to radiation (as X rays or alpha particles).
MAJORITAIRESMAJORITAIRE n. (French) a member of a majority section of a political party, esp. a socialist one.
RADIOLARIANSradiolarians n. Plural of radiolarian.
RADIOLARIAN n. any member of an order of marine Protozoa, or unicellular animals, with fine radial tentacles for feeding and movement.
RAILROADINGSrailroadings n. Plural of railroading.
RAILROADING n. putting through a process forcefully and rapidly.
RATIONALISERrationaliser n. Alternative form of rationalizer.
RATIONALISER n. one who rationalises, also RATIONALIZER.
RERADIATIONSreradiations n. Plural of reradiation.
RERADIATION n. the act of reradiating.
RURALISATIONruralisation n. Alternative form of ruralization.
RURALISATION n. making rural, also RURALIZATION.
SCARIFICATORscarificator n. (Surgery, archaic) An instrument, principally used in cupping, containing several lancets that are moved…
SCARIFICATOR n. a surgical instrument for scarifying, also SCARIFIER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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