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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, 2I, N, R and U

ANEURISMATICaneurismatic adj. Alternative spelling of aneurysmatic.
ANEURISMATIC adj. of or like an aneurism, also ANEURYSMATIC.
ANGULARITIESangularities n. Plural of angularity.
ANGULARITY n. the quality of being angular.
ANNULARITIESANNULARITY n. the state of being ring-shaped.
CLAIRAUDIENTclairaudient adj. (Parapsychology) Pertaining to or involving clairaudience.
clairaudient n. (Parapsychology) One who has the power of clairaudience.
CLAIRAUDIENT adj. able to hear sounds not actually present, as spirit communications, etc.
EQUALITARIANequalitarian adj. (Dated) Characterized by social equality and equal rights for all people.
equalitarian n. (Dated) A person who accepts or promotes the view of equalitarianism.
EQUALITARIAN n. an egalitarian.
EQUIPARATINGEQUIPARATE v. (obsolete) to regard or treat as equal.
EQUIPARATIONequiparation n. (Chiefly historical, law, philosophy) The transfer or imputation of attributes from one object or concept…
equiparation n. (More generally, rare) Comparison.
EQUIPARATION n. equal treatment.
INACCURACIESinaccuracies n. Plural of inaccuracy.
INACCURACY n. the state of being inaccurate.
INARTICULATEinarticulate adj. (Of speech) not articulated in normal words.
inarticulate adj. Speechless.
inarticulate adj. Unable to speak with any clarity.
QUADRIENNIALquadriennial adj. Alternative form of quadrennial.
quadriennial n. Alternative form of quadrennial.
QUADRIENNIAL adj. taking place every four years.
UNCINARIASESUNCINARIASIS n. infestation of the small intestine by hookworm.
UNIRRADIATEDunirradiated adj. Not irradiated.
UNIRRADIATED adj. not irradiated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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