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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, E, G, I, O and R

ANTIANDROGENantiandrogen n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) Any substance that inhibits the release or the biological effects of an androgen.
ANTIANDROGEN n. a substance that tends to inhibit the production, activity, or effects of a male sex hormone.
CARDIOMEGALYcardiomegaly n. Megalocardia.
CARDIOMEGALY n. another name for megalocardia.
CARDIOPLEGIAcardioplegia n. (Surgery) The deliberate, temporary cessation of cardiac activity before heart surgery.
CARDIOPLEGIA n. deliberate arrest of the action of the heart, as by hypothermia or the injection of chemicals, to enable complex heart surgery to be carried out.
DEFLAGRATIONdeflagration n. The act of deflagrating; an intense fire; a conflagration or explosion. Specifically, combustion that…
DEFLAGRATION n. the rapid burning away of anything in a destructive fire.
DEGRADATIONSdegradations n. Plural of degradation.
DEGRADATION n. the act of degrading.
MEGALOCARDIAmegalocardia n. (Medicine) The condition of having an enlarged heart.
MEGALOCARDIA n. the condition of having an enlarged heart.
MICROMANAGEDmicromanaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of micromanage.
MICROMANAGE v. to manage at a detailed level.
OUTBARGAINEDoutbargained v. Simple past tense and past participle of outbargain.
OUTBARGAIN v. to surpass in bargaining.
PROPAGANDISEpropagandise v. Alternative form of propagandize.
PROPAGANDISE v. to subject to propaganda, also PROPAGANDIZE.
PROPAGANDIZEpropagandize v. (Intransitive) To use or spread propaganda.
propagandize v. (Transitive) To tell propaganda to someone in an attempt to influence one’s views.
propagandize v. (Transitive) To use something or someone in propaganda purposes.
RADIOGRAPHEDradiographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiograph.
RADIOGRAPH v. to produce a radiograph of.
RADIOGRAPHERradiographer n. Someone who works with radiography. This term seems to be more common in British English.
RADIOGRAPHER n. one who practises radiography.
WAKEBOARDINGwakeboarding n. (Sports) A water sport where a rider on a small board is towed by a motor boat, attached by a cable.
WAKEBOARDING n. a sport similar to waterskiing in which the participant is towed behind a motorboat while riding on a board like a short surfboard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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