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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, 2I, N, T and Z

CANALIZATIONcanalization n. Alternative spelling of canalisation.
CANALIZATION n. the construction of canals, also CANALISATION.
CANONIZATIONcanonization n. (Christianity) The final process or decree (following beatification) by which the name of a deceased…
canonization n. The state of being canonized or sainted.
canonization n. Introduction into a canon of artistic or literary works.
CAPITALIZINGcapitalizing v. Present participle of capitalize.
CAPITALIZE v. to write or print with an initial capital or in capitals, also CAPITALISE.
CATABOLIZINGcatabolizing v. Present participle of catabolize.
CATABOLIZE v. to subject to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLISE.
CATALOGIZINGcatalogizing v. Present participle of catalogize.
CHAPTALIZINGchaptalizing v. Present participle of chaptalize.
CHAPTALIZE v. to add extra sugar to wine during its fermentation to increase its alcohol content, also CHAPTALISE.
CURARIZATIONcurarization n. Poisoning with curare.
curarization n. (Pathology) neuromuscular block.
CURARIZATION n. the process of curarizing, also CURARISATION.
FACTIONALIZEfactionalize v. To split into factions.
FACTIONALIZE v. to split into factions, also FACTIONALISE.
FANATICIZINGfanaticizing v. Present participle of fanaticize.
FANATICIZE v. to make fanatical, also FANATICISE.
FOCALIZATIONfocalization n. (Literature) The perspective through which a narrative is presented.
focalization n. (Optics) Putting into focus.
FOCALIZATION n. the act of focalizing, also FOCALISATION.
FRANCIZATIONfrancization n. (Uncommon except Quebec) Synonym of Frenchification (“the act or process of making or becoming more…
francization n. (Uncommon except Quebec) Synonym of Gallicization (“translation into French”).
Francization n. Alternative letter-case form of francization.
LAICIZATIONSlaicizations n. Plural of laicization.
LAICIZATION n. the process of returning a clergyman to lay status, also LAICISATION.
LOCALIZATIONlocalization n. The act of localizing.
localization n. (Software engineering) The act, process, or result of making a product suitable for use in a particular…
localization n. (Translation studies, chiefly software, marketing) The act, process, or result of adapting translated…
NAZIFICATIONNazification n. The act or process of Nazifying.
NAZIFICATION n. the act of making Nazi.
RACEMIZATIONracemization n. (Chemistry) The formation of a racemate from a pure enantiomer.
RACEMIZATION n. a change into a racemic form, also RACEMISATION.
SECTARIANIZEsectarianize v. (Transitive) To imbue with sectarian feelings; to subject to the control of a sect.
SECTARIANIZE v. to make sectarian, also SECTARIANISE.
VOCALIZATIONvocalization n. The act of vocalizing or something vocalized; a vocal utterance.
vocalization n. Any specific mode of utterance; pronunciation.
vocalization n. The use of speech to express an idea.
ZALCITABINESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 52 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 141 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 162 words

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