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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, 2I, N and 2R

ANTARTHRITICantarthritic n. (Pharmacology) An agent that prevents or alleviates arthritis.
antarthritic adj. (Pharmacology) Preventing or alleviating arthritis.
ANTARTHRITIC adj. used against arthritis.
ANTIAIRCRAFTantiaircraft adj. Alternative spelling of anti-aircraft.
antiaircraft n. Alternative spelling of anti-aircraft.
anti-aircraft adj. (Military) Intended to attack aircraft.
BARRICADOINGbarricadoing v. Present participle of barricado.
BARRICADO v. to barricade.
CARICATURINGcaricaturing v. Present participle of caricature.
CARICATURE v. to make or draw a caricature of.
CHARIVARIINGCHARIVARI v. to perform such a serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
CURARISATIONcurarisation n. Alternative form of curarization.
CURARISATION n. the process of curarising, also CURARIZATION.
CURARIZATIONcurarization n. Poisoning with curare.
curarization n. (Pathology) neuromuscular block.
CURARIZATION n. the process of curarizing, also CURARISATION.
DOCTRINARIANdoctrinarian n. A doctrinaire.
DOCTRINARIAN n. a doctrinaire, an impractical theorist.
GERIATRICIANgeriatrician n. (Medicine) A medical doctor specialising in the assessment and treatment of elderly people.
GERIATRICIAN n. a specialist in geriatrics.
INTERRACIALSSorry, definition not available.
INTRACARDIACintracardiac adj. (Anatomy) Inside the heart.
INTRACARDIAC adj. situated or occurring within or introduced or involving entry into the heart.
INTRACARDIALintracardial adj. Intracardiac.
INTRACARDIAL adj. within the heart.
INTRACRANIALintracranial adj. Of or pertaining to the brain or inside of the head; within the cranium.
INTRACRANIAL adj. existing or occurring within the cranium.
IRRADIANCIESirradiancies n. Plural of irradiancy.
IRRADIANCY n. the act of irradiating, also IRRADIANCE.
IRRADICATINGirradicating v. Present participle of irradicate.
IRRADICATE v. to fix firmly.
RAREFICATIONrarefication n. Rarefaction.
RAREFICATION n. the act of rarefying.
RATIOCINATORratiocinator n. One who ratiocinates; a reasoner.
RATIOCINATOR n. one who ratiocinates, reasons or argues logically.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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