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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, E, 2I, O and S

ACAROPHILIESACAROPHILY n. the symbiotic association of plants with mites.
ALLOCHEIRIASALLOCHEIRIA n. attribution of a sensation to the wrong part of the body, also ALLOCHIRIA.
AXINOMANCIESAXINOMANCY n. divination using an axe or hatchet.
CAESALPINOIDCAESALPINOID adj. belonging to the Caesalpinoidea, a tropical subfamily of leguminous plants.
DISASSOCIATEdisassociate v. To separate (oneself); to dissolve one’s association with a person, group, or situation.
disassociate v. (Transitive) To separate into smaller discrete units, as with analysis.
disassociate v. (Intransitive, of linked components) To separate; to disunite; to disintegrate; to dissolve.
ECOTARIANISMECOTARIANISM n. the principle or practice of avoiding eating any foods whose production or transportation are considered ecologically damaging.
ELASTICATIONelastication n. A process or act of elasticating.
ELASTICATION n. the process of elasticating.
EPISCOPALIANepiscopalian adj. Episcopal, pertaining to a bishop of any church.
episcopalian adj. Episcopalian.
episcopalian n. Episcopalian.
ERADICATIONSeradications n. Plural of eradication.
ERADICATION n. the act of eradicating.
EXOPARASITICEXOPARASITIC adj. of or like an exoparasite.
FACTIONALISEfactionalise v. Alternative form of factionalize.
FACTIONALISE v. to split into factions, also FACTIONALIZE.
FACTIONARIESfactionaries n. Plural of factionary.
FACTIONARY n. a member of a faction.
FASCIOLIASESfascioliases n. Plural of fascioliasis.
FASCIOLIASIS n. nematode infestation.
HAGIOCRACIEShagiocracies n. Plural of hagiocracy.
HAGIOCRACY n. government by holy persons, also HAGIARCHY.
PAROCHIALISEparochialise v. Alternative form of parochialize.
PAROCHIALISE v. to make parochial, also PAROCHIALIZE.
RACEMISATIONracemisation n. Alternative spelling of racemization.
RACEMISATION n. a change into a racemic form, also RACEMIZATION.
RATIOCINATESratiocinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ratiocinate.
RATIOCINATE v. to reason or argue logically.
SOCIALISABLESOCIALISABLE adj. that can be socialised, also SOCIALIZABLE.
SOCIALIZABLEsocializable adj. Capable of being socialized.
SOCIALIZABLE adj. that can be socialized, also SOCIALISABLE.
SPECIATIONALspeciational adj. Relating to speciation.
SPECIATIONAL adj. relating to speciation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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