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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 3A, C, E, I, R and S

ABECEDARIANSabecedarians n. Plural of abecedarian.
Abecedarians n. Plural of Abecedarian.
ABECEDARIAN n. one learning the alphabet; one learning the rudiments of something.
ACIDANTHERASacidantheras n. Plural of acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
AEROSTATICALaerostatical adj. Of or relating to aerostatics; pneumatic.
aerostatical adj. Aeronautic.
AEROSTATICAL adj. relating to aerostatics, also AEROSTATIC.
AGARICACEOUSagaricaceous adj. (Mycology) Belonging to the Agaricaceae.
AGARICACEOUS adj. belonging to the agaric family of fungi.
BACTERAEMIASbacteraemias n. Plural of bacteraemia.
BACTERAEMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTEREMIA.
CALCEOLARIAScalceolarias n. Plural of calceolaria.
CALCEOLARIA n. any plant of the South American genus Calceolaria, the plants of which are largely cultivated for the beauty of their slipper-like flowers.
CAMARADERIEScamaraderies n. Plural of camaraderie.
CAMARADERIE n. (French) friendship.
CARAVANSERAIcaravanserai n. A roadside inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest.
caravanserai n. (Humorous) An upscale hotel.
caravanserai n. A home or shelter for caravans.
CARDINALATEScardinalates n. Plural of cardinalate.
CARDINALATE n. the office or dignity of cardinal; the cardinals collectively.
CARPENTARIASCARPENTARIA n. an evergreen shrub of the hydrangea family, cultivated for its glossy foliage and yellow-centred white flowers.
CARRIAGEWAYScarriageways n. Plural of carriageway.
CARRIAGEWAY n. the part of a road used by vehicular traffic.
MACADAMIZERSmacadamizers n. Plural of macadamizer.
MACADAMIZER n. one who macadamises, also MACADAMISER.
PALAESTRICALPALAESTRICAL adj. relating to a palaestra, a wrestling school, also PALAESTRIC.
PARAMEDICALSparamedicals n. Plural of paramedical.
PARAMEDICAL n. a paramedical worker, also PARAMEDIC, PARAMEDICO.
PESCATARIANSpescatarians n. Plural of pescatarian.
PESCATARIAN n. one whose diet includes fish but no other meat, also PESCETARIAN.
SCARABAEISTSSCARABAEIST n. a person who studies scarabaeid beetles.
SCARABAEOIDSscarabaeoids n. Plural of scarabaeoid.
SCARABAEOID n. any of various kinds of lamellicorn beetle, esp. Scarabaeus sacer (sacred scarab), regarded by the ancient Egyptians as divine.
TRACHEARIANSTRACHEARIAN n. a member of the Trachearia.
TRADESCANTIAtradescantia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tradescantia of spiderworts.
Tradescantia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Commelinaceae – the spiderworts.
TRADESCANTIA n. any plant of the American Tradescantia genus, with attractive, often variegated foliage, aka spiderwort.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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