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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2E, P, R and 2S

AEROPAUSESaeropauses n. Plural of aeropause.
AEROPAUSE n. the region of the earth's atmosphere above which aircraft cannot fly.
AEROSPACESaerospaces n. Plural of aerospace.
AEROSPACE n. the Earth's atmosphere and the space beyond it.
APHAERESESaphaereses n. Plural of aphaeresis.
aphæreses n. Plural of aphæresis.
APHAERESIS n. the omission of a letter, sound or syllable at the beginning of a word, e.g. as knife becoming nife, also APHERESIS.
APHAERESISaphaeresis n. (UK, Canada) Alternative spelling of apheresis.
aphæresis n. Obsolete form of apheresis.
APHAERESIS n. the omission of a letter, sound or syllable at the beginning of a word, e.g. as knife becoming nife, also APHERESIS.
APPRAISEESappraisees n. Plural of appraisee.
APPRAISEE n. one who is appraised.
CASSAREEPScassareeps n. Plural of cassareep.
CASSAREEP n. (Tupi) the juice of the cassava root, made into syrup and used in sauces.
ESTRAPADESestrapades n. Plural of estrapade.
ESTRAPADE n. (French) a horse's attempt to throw its rider.
GASPEREAUSgaspereaus n. Plural of gaspereau.
GASPEREAU n. (French) a fish of the herring family found on the Atlantic coast of North America, aka alewife.
PAEDERASTSpaederasts n. Plural of paederast.
pæderasts n. Plural of pæderast.
PAEDERAST n. one who has anal sex with a boy, also PEDERAST.
PANCREASESpancreases n. Plural of pancreas.
pancreases n. Plural of pancrease.
PANCREAS n. a large gland discharging into the duodenum and containing islands of endocrine gland tissue.
PARAENESESparaeneses n. Plural of paraenesis.
paræneses n. Plural of parænesis.
PARAENESIS n. an exhortation, also PARENESIS.
PARAENESISparaenesis n. Advice or exhortation, particularly of a moral or religious nature.
paraenesis n. (Rhetoric) A warning of impending evil.
parænesis n. Alternative spelling of paraenesis.
PARASCEVESparasceves n. Plural of parasceve.
Parasceves n. Plural of Parasceve.
PARASCEVE n. among the Jews, the evening before the Sabbath.
PARATHESESparatheses n. Plural of parathesis.
PARATHESIS n. apposition; the compounding of words without change.
PEARLASHESpearlashes n. Plural of pearlash.
PEARLASH n. an alkaline compound obtained from wood ash.
REPASSAGESrepassages n. Plural of repassage.
REPASSAGE n. the act of repassing; passage back.
SHAPEWEARSSHAPEWEAR n. underwear that shapes the body.
SPEARHEADSspearheads n. Plural of spearhead.
spearheads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spearhead.
spear-heads n. Plural of spear-head.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 99 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 241 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 35 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 39 words

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