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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, E, I, R and 2T

AEROSTATICaerostatic adj. Of or pertaining to aerostatics; pneumatic.
aerostatic adj. Pertaining to aerial navigation or aeronautics.
AEROSTATIC adj. relating to aerostatics, also AEROSTATICAL.
AEROTACTICaerotactic adj. Relating to aerotaxis.
AEROTACTIC adj. relating to or showing aerotaxis.
ANTHRACITEanthracite n. A form of carbonized ancient plants; the hardest and cleanest-burning of all the coals.
anthracite n. A dark grey colour.
ANTHRACITE n. a kind of hard coal.
ARTICULATEarticulate adj. Clear; effective.
articulate adj. Speaking in a clear and effective manner.
articulate adj. Consisting of segments united by joints.
ATTRACTIVEattractive adj. Causing attraction; having the quality of attracting by inherent force.
attractive adj. Having the power of charming or alluring by agreeable qualities; enticing.
attractive adj. Pleasing or appealing to the senses, especially of a potential romantic partner.
BAITCASTERbaitcaster n. (Fishing) A baitcasting reel.
CANTATRICEcantatrice n. A professional female singer.
CANTATRICE n. (Italian) a female singer.
CHATTERATIchatterati n. People who chat, argue and debate.
CHATTERATI n. (colloquial) the chattering classes.
PATRICIATEpatriciate n. The rank of a patrician.
patriciate n. The aristocracy or nobility.
PATRICIATE n. the patrician class; the aristocracy.
REACTIVATEreactivate v. To activate again.
re-activate v. Alternative form of reactivate.
REACTIVATE v. to activate again.
TETRABASICtetrabasic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid) containing four replaceable hydrogen atoms.
tetrabasic adj. (Chemistry, of a salt) having four atoms of a univalent metal.
TETRABASIC adj. of acids, having four replaceable hydrogen atoms.
TETRACAINEtetracaine n. (Pharmacology) A crystalline basic ester C15H24N2O2 that is closely related chemically to procaine and…
TETRACAINE n. a crystalline basic ester.
THEATRICALtheatrical adj. Of or relating to the theatre.
theatrical adj. Fake and exaggerated.
theatrical n. A stage performance, especially one by amateurs.
TRIACETATEtriacetate n. (Countable, chemistry) Any compound containing three acetate groups.
triacetate n. (Uncountable) A fibre manufactured from cellulose triacetate.
TRIACETATE n. a kind of textile fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 201 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 206 words

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