ACOTYLEDONOUS | • acotyledonous adj. Having no seed lobes, as the dodder; also applied to plants which have no true seeds, as ferns, mosses, etc. • ACOTYLEDONOUS adj. relating to an acotyledon. |
AUTOCHTHONOUSLY | • autochthonously adv. In an autochthonous manner. • AUTOCHTHONOUS adv. indigenous, aboriginal, also AUTOCHTHONAL, AUTOCHTHONIC. |
AUTOCOPROPHAGY | • autocoprophagy n. The feeding on its own excrement. • AUTOCOPROPHAGY n. eating one's own feces. |
AUTONOMOUSLY | • autonomously adv. In an autonomous or self-governing manner. • AUTONOMOUS adv. of, relating to, or marked by autonomy. |
AUTOPOLYPLOID | • autopolyploid adj. (Genetics) Having more than two sets of chromosomes, derived from the same species, as a result of redoubling. • autopolyploid n. Any organism of this kind. • AUTOPOLYPLOID n. an individual or strain whose chromosome complement consists of more than two complete copies of the genome of a single ancestral species. |
AUTOPOLYPLOIDS | • autopolyploids n. Plural of autopolyploid. • AUTOPOLYPLOID n. an individual or strain whose chromosome complement consists of more than two complete copies of the genome of a single ancestral species. |
AUTOPOLYPLOIDY | • autopolyploidy n. The property of being autopolyploid. • AUTOPOLYPLOIDY n. the state of being an autopolyploid, an individual or strain whose chromosome complement consists of more than two complete copies of the genome of a single ancestral species. |
CAMPYLOTROPOUS | • campylotropous adj. (Botany) Having the ovules and seeds so curved, or bent down upon themselves, that the ends of the embryo… • CAMPYLOTROPOUS adj. having the ovule partly inverted and curved. |
CHEMOAUTOTROPHY | • chemoautotrophy n. (Biology) A mode of growth in which CO2 is the exclusive source of assimilated carbon, and energy is… • CHEMOAUTOTROPHY n. the production of energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds, such as iron, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. |
COEVOLUTIONARY | • coevolutionary adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by coevolution. • COEVOLUTIONARY adj. relating to coevolution. |
CONDYLOMATOUS | • condylomatous adj. Relating to condyloma. • CONDYLOMATOUS adj. of or like a condyloma. |
CONVOLUTIONARY | • CONVOLUTIONARY adj. of or like convolution. |
CYCLOSTOMATOUS | • cyclostomatous adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Cyclostomata, a group of agnathans that comprises the living jawless… • CYCLOSTOMATOUS adj. of or like a cyclostome. |
HYDROSOMATOUS | • HYDROSOMATOUS adj. of or like hydrosomata. |
IMMUNOPATHOLOGY | • immunopathology n. (Medicine) The branch of immunology that studies the relation of the immune system to disease; a disease… • IMMUNOPATHOLOGY n. the study of immunity to disease. |
MONODACTYLOUS | • monodactylous adj. (Of an animal) Having a single digit on each limb, especially a single claw that can be used to grasp. • MONODACTYLOUS adj. one-toed or one-fingered. |
NEUROPATHOLOGY | • neuropathology n. Neural pathology: The pathology of the nervous system, usually and especially in the sense of its cytopathology… • NEUROPATHOLOGY n. pathology of the nervous system. |
OSMOREGULATORY | • osmoregulatory adj. Of or pertaining to osmoregulation. • OSMOREGULATORY adj. relating to osmoregulation. |
POSTCOPULATORY | • postcopulatory adj. Occurring after copulation. • POSTCOPULATORY adj. taking place after copulation. |
TAUTOLOGOUSLY | • tautologously adv. In a tautologous manner. • TAUTOLOGOUS adv. involving or containing rhetorical tautology. |