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There are 14 words containing A, L, 2N, S, V and Y

CONVALESCENCYconvalescency n. Dated form of convalescence.
CONVALESCENCY n. recovery from illness, also CONVALESCENCE.
CONVALESCENTLYconvalescently adv. In the manner of a convalescent; with increasing strength or vigour.
CONVALESCENT adv. recovering.
CONVERSANTLYconversantly adv. In a familiar manner.
CONVERSANT adv. having knowledge or experience.
CONVULSIONARYconvulsionary n. A convulsionist.
convulsionary adj. Pertaining to convulsion; convulsive.
CONVULSIONARY n. a person who has convulsions, esp. one of a fanatical sect of Jansenists in eighteenth century France.
EVANESCENTLYevanescently adv. In an evanescent manner.
EVANESCENT adv. fleeting, transitory.
INOBSERVANTLYinobservantly adv. In an inobservant manner.
INOBSERVANT adv. not observant.
INTRANSITIVELYintransitively adv. (Grammar) In an intransitive manner; without an object following.
INTRANSITIVE adv. not transitive.
INTRAVENOUSLYintravenously adv. (Medicine) In an intravenous manner; by means of intravenous injection.
INTRAVENOUS adv. situated, performed, or occurring within or entering by way of a vein.
NONASSERTIVELYnonassertively adv. In a nonassertive way.
NONINVASIVELYnoninvasively adv. In a noninvasive manner.
OVERANALYSINGoveranalysing v. Present participle of overanalyse.
OVERANALYSE v. to analyse excessively, also OVERANALYZE.
UNADVENTUROUSLYunadventurously adv. In an unadventurous way.
UNADVENTUROUS adv. not adventurous, also UNADVENTROUS.
VANISHINGLYvanishingly adv. So as to vanish, or appear to vanish; especially, very small or rare.
VANISHING adv. disappearing.
VINYLCYANIDESVINYLCYANIDE n. another name for acrylonitrile, a compound used in making synthetic fibres.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 296 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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