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There are 14 words containing A, I, 3R and 2U

CURRICULARcurricular adj. Of, relating to, or following a curriculum.
CURRICULAR adj. relating to a curriculum.
COCURRICULARcocurricular adj. Accompanying an educational curriculum.
COCURRICULAR adj. being outside of but usually complementing the regular curriculum.
ARBORICULTUREarboriculture n. The branch of horticulture concerned with the planting, growth, and maintenance of trees.
ARBORICULTURE n. the cultivation of trees and shrubs esp. for ornamental purposes.
TRITUBERCULARtritubercular adj. Having or designating teeth with three cusps or tubercles; tricuspid.
tritubercular adj. Relating to trituberculy.
TRITUBERCULAR adj. having three tubercles or cusps, also TRITUBERCULATE.
ARBORICULTURALarboricultural adj. Of or pertaining to the care, planting and maintenance of trees.
ARBORICULTURAL adj. relating to arboriculture.
ARBORICULTURESarboricultures n. Plural of arboriculture.
ARBORICULTURE n. the cultivation of trees and shrubs esp. for ornamental purposes.
INFRASTRUCTUREinfrastructure n. (Systems theory) An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
infrastructure n. The basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society.
INFRASTRUCTURE n. the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization).
ARBORICULTURISTarboriculturist n. A person who practices arboriculture; a tree surgeon.
ARBORICULTURIST n. one who practises arboriculture, the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
EXTRACURRICULARextracurricular adj. Outside of the normal curriculum of an educational establishment.
extracurricular adj. Similarly outside of the normal duties of a job or profession.
extracurricular adj. (Informal) extramarital.
INFRASTRUCTURALinfrastructural adj. Of, relating to or originating in infrastructure.
INFRASTRUCTURAL adj. of or like an infrastructure.
INFRASTRUCTURESinfrastructures n. Plural of infrastructure.
INFRASTRUCTURE n. the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization).
MICROSTRUCTURALmicrostructural adj. Relating to a microstructure.
MICROSTRUCTURAL adj. relating to microstructure.
PREAGRICULTURALpreagricultural adj. Before the advent of agriculture: before the late paleolithic era.
PREAGRICULTURAL adj. belonging to the period before the development of agriculture.
SUPERNUMERARIESsupernumeraries n. Plural of supernumerary.
SUPERNUMERARY n. an actor without a speaking part.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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