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There are 18 words containing A, I, M, 2T, V and Y

IMITATIVELYimitatively adv. In an imitative manner.
IMITATIVE adv. inclined to imitate; formed after a model.
IMPUTATIVELYimputatively adv. In an imputative fashion or manner.
IMPUTATIVE adv. transferred by imputation; that may be imputed.
MEDITATIVELYmeditatively adv. In a meditative manner.
MEDITATIVE adv. marked by or conducive to meditation.
OVERMATURITYovermaturity n. The quality of being overmature.
OVERMATURITY n. excessive maturity.
VESTIMENTARYvestimentary adj. Of or pertaining to clothing.
VESTIMENTARY adj. of or like a vestiment, also VESTIMENTAL.
COMMUTATIVELYcommutatively adv. In a commutative manner.
COMMUTATIVE adv. of, relating to, or showing commutation.
COMMUTATIVITYcommutativity n. (Mathematics, physics) The state of being commutative.
COMMUTATIVITY n. the property of being commutative.
TERMINATIVELYterminatively adv. So as to terminate; terminatingly.
TERMINATIVE adv. expressive of completion.
AUGMENTATIVELYaugmentatively adv. In an augmentative fashion.
AUGMENTATIVE adv. serving to augment.
FERMENTATIVELYfermentatively adv. In a fermentative manner.
fermentatively adv. With regard to fermentation.
FERMENTATIVE adv. causing or consisting of fermentation.
MOTIVATIONALLYmotivationally adv. In a motivational manner.
motivationally adv. With regard to motivation.
MOTIVATIONAL adv. relating to motivation.
TRANSMISSIVITYtransmissivity n. (Physics) A measure of the capacity of a material to transmit radiation (the ratio of the amounts of…
transmissivity n. (Geology) A measure of the capacity of a saturated aquifer to transmit water horizontally. SI units: m²/s. Symbol: T.
TRANSMISSIVITY n. the state of being transmissive.
TRANSMITTIVITYtransmittivity n. (Physics) A measure of transmittance.
TRANSMITTIVITY n. the ability to be transmitted.
ARGUMENTATIVELYargumentatively adv. In an argumentative manner.
ARGUMENTATIVE adv. given to argument, also ARGUMENTIVE.
CONTEMPLATIVELYcontemplatively adv. In a contemplative manner.
CONTEMPLATIVE adv. related to contemplation.
DEMONSTRATIVELYdemonstratively adv. In a demonstrative manner.
DEMONSTRATIVE adv. serving to demonstrate.
DETERMINATIVELYdeterminatively adv. In a determinative manner.
DETERMINATIVE adv. having power or tendency to determine.
REMONSTRATIVELYremonstratively adv. In a manner characterized by remonstration.
REMONSTRATIVE adv. expressing remonstration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 293 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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