SQUAMATION | • squamation n. (Zoology, uncountable) The condition or character of being covered with scales. • squamation n. (Zoology, countable) A particular arrangement of scales; a special mode or form of squamation. • squamation n. (Pathology, dermatology, countable) A scaly growth on the skin. |
SQUAMATIONS | • squamations n. Plural of squamation. • SQUAMATION n. scaliness. |
ANTIMOSQUITO | • antimosquito adj. Countering mosquitos. • ANTIMOSQUITO adj. designed to repel mosquitoes. |
DESQUAMATION | • desquamation n. (Medicine) The shedding of the outer layers of the skin. • DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged. |
MAGNILOQUENT | • magniloquent adj. Speaking pompously; using deliberately long or esoteric words. • MAGNILOQUENT adj. speaking in a grand or pompous style. |
MISQUOTATION | • misquotation n. An incorrect quotation. • MISQUOTATION n. a wrong quotation. |
DESQUAMATIONS | • desquamations n. Plural of desquamation. • DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged. |
MISQUOTATIONS | • misquotations n. Plural of misquotation. • MISQUOTATION n. a wrong quotation. |
QUARTODECIMAN | • Quartodeciman n. Any of a group of early Christians (especially in Asia Minor) who observed Pascha (Christian Passover… • Quartodeciman adj. Of or pertaining to these people. • QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday. |
LIQUIDATIONISM | • liquidationism n. (Politics, Marxism) In Marxist theory, the ideological liquidation (negation) of the revolutionary party… • liquidationism n. (Economics, libertarianism) The belief that no actions to mitigate the effects of recessions should… • LIQUIDATIONISM n. a theory of economics which holds that governments should not interfere in a recession. |
MAGNILOQUENTLY | • magniloquently adv. In a magniloquent manner. • MAGNILOQUENT adv. speaking in a grand or pompous style. |
QUARTODECIMANS | • Quartodecimans n. Plural of Quartodeciman. • QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday. |
QUATTROCENTISM | • quattrocentism n. The art style of the quattrocentists. • QUATTROCENTISM n. the spirit of the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature. |
LIQUIDATIONISMS | • LIQUIDATIONISM n. a theory of economics which holds that governments should not interfere in a recession. |
QUATTROCENTISMS | • QUATTROCENTISM n. the spirit of the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature. |