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There are 7 words containing A, I, 2L and 3U

CAULICULUScauliculus n. (Architecture) In the Corinthian capital, one of the eight stalks rising out of the lower leafage and…
CAULICULUS n. one of the slender stems springing from the caules or main stalks supporting the volutes in the Corinthian capital.
AQUICULTURALaquicultural adj. Alternative form of aquacultural.
AQUICULTURAL adj. relating to aquiculture, the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming.
CAULICULUSESCAULICULUS n. one of the slender stems springing from the caules or main stalks supporting the volutes in the Corinthian capital.
MULTICULTURALmulticultural adj. Relating or pertaining to several different cultures.
multicultural adj. (Euphemistic) Relating or pertaining to groups, households or families involving persons with different…
MULTICULTURAL adj. of, relating to, or including several cultures.
ULTRALUMINOUSultraluminous adj. Very luminous.
UNBEAUTIFULLYunbeautifully adv. In a manner that is unbeautiful (ugly or inelegant).
UNBEAUTIFUL adv. not beautiful.
MULTICULTURALLYmulticulturally adv. In a multicultural manner.
MULTICULTURAL adv. of, relating to, or including several cultures.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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