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There are 16 words containing A, I, 3L, R and V

ALLITERATIVELYalliteratively adv. In an alliterative manner.
ALLITERATIVE adv. of, relating to, or marked by alliteration.
COLLABORATIVELYcollaboratively adv. Characterized or done by collaboration.
COLLABORATIVE adv. of the nature of collaboration.
CURVILINEALLYCURVILINEAL adv. bounded by curved lines.
ILLUSTRATIVELYillustratively adv. In an illustrative manner.
ILLUSTRATIVE adv. serving to illustrate.
LAVALLIERElavalliere n. Alternative form of lavaliere.
LAVALLIERE n. (French) a loosely-tied bow; a jewelled pendant, also LAVALIER, LAVALIERE.
LAVALLIERESlavallieres n. Plural of lavalliere.
LAVALLIERE n. (French) a loosely-tied bow; a jewelled pendant, also LAVALIER, LAVALIERE.
PREVOCALICALLYprevocalically adv. Immediately preceding a vowel or vowel sound.
PREVOCALIC adv. before a vowel.
PULVILLARpulvillar adj. Like a cushion or pad.
PULVILLAR adj. cushion-like.
SILVICULTURALsilvicultural adj. Of, pertaining to, or obtained by silviculture.
SILVICULTURAL adj. relating to silviculture, also SYLVICULTURAL.
SILVICULTURALLYsilviculturally adv. In terms of, or by means of, silviculture.
SILVICULTURAL adv. relating to silviculture, also SYLVICULTURAL.
SYLVICULTURALsylvicultural adj. Alternative form of silvicultural.
SYLVICULTURAL adj. relating to sylviculture, also SILVICULTURAL.
VENTRILOQUIALLYventriloquially adv. By means of ventriloquism.
VENTRILOQUIAL adv. relating to ventriloquism, also VENTRILOQUAL.
VIROLOGICALLYvirologically adv. Using the methods of virology.
VIROLOGICAL adv. relating to virology, the study of viruses, also VIROLOGIC.
VITICULTURALLYviticulturally adv. In terms of viticulture.
VITICULTURAL adv. relating to viticulture.
VOLUMETRICALLYvolumetrically adv. In a volumetric manner.
VOLUMETRICAL adv. of or pertaining to volumetry, the measurement of volume, also VOLUMETRIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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