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There are 20 words containing A, 2I, L, 2S and W

ANSWERABILITIESanswerabilities n. Plural of answerability.
ANSWERABILITY n. the quality of being answerable.
BOWDLERISATIONSbowdlerisations n. Plural of bowdlerisation.
BOWDLERISATION n. the act of bowdlerising, also BOWDLERIZATION.
LEWISIASlewisias n. Plural of lewisia.
LEWISIA n. a perennial herb with pink and white flowers.
SALTIREWISEsaltirewise adv. (Heraldry) In the form of a saltire; crossing diagonally.
SALTIREWISE adv. in the fashion of a saltire.
SEWABILITIESSEWABILITY n. the ability to be sewed.
TWISTABILITIESTWISTABILITY n. the quality of being twistable.
VOWELISATIONSvowelisations n. Plural of vowelisation.
VOWELISATION n. the process of vowelising, also VOWELIZATION.
WAISTLINESwaistlines n. Plural of waistline.
WAISTLINE n. a line thought of as marking the waist, but not fixed by anatomy in women's fashions.
WAITLISTSwaitlists n. Plural of waitlist.
wait-lists n. Plural of wait-list.
wait-lists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wait-list.
WALKINGSTICKSwalkingsticks n. Plural of walkingstick.
walking-sticks n. Plural of walking-stick.
walking␣sticks n. Plural of walking stick.
WASHABILITIESwashabilities n. Plural of washability.
WASHABILITY n. the quality of being washable.
WASSAILINGwassailing v. Present participle of wassail.
wassailing n. The act of performing a wassail.
WASSAILING n. (historical) the holding of a wassail.
WASSAILINGSwassailings n. Plural of wassailing.
WASSAILING n. (historical) the holding of a wassail.
WASSAILRIESWASSAILRY n. the act of wassailing.
WELWITSCHIASwelwitschias n. Plural of welwitschia.
WELWITSCHIA n. a plant of a SW African genus of one species, with one pair of leaves that grow indefinitely.
WHIMSICALITIESwhimsicalities n. Plural of whimsicality.
WHIMSICALITY n. the state of being whimsical.
WHIMSICALNESSwhimsicalness n. Whimsicality.
WHIMSICALNESS n. the state of being whimsical.
WHIMSICALNESSESwhimsicalnesses n. Plural of whimsicalness.
WHIMSICALNESS n. the state of being whimsical.
WINDLASSINGwindlassing v. Present participle of windlass.
WINDLASS v. to raise with a hoist.
WINDSAILSwindsails n. Plural of windsail.
WINDSAIL n. a wide funnel of canvas used to convey a stream of air below deck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 502 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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