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There are 15 words containing A, 2I, 2K, N and S

KINAKINASKINAKINA n. (Quechua) a tree yielding cinchona bark, from which quinine is made, also CHINACHINA, CINCHONA, KINA, QUINA, QUINAQUINA, QUINQUINA.
CAMIKNICKSCAMIKNICKS n. a woman's undergarment combining a camisole and knickers, also CAMIKNICKERS.
KALLIKREINSkallikreins n. Plural of kallikrein.
KALLIKREIN n. a hypotensive protein that liberates kinins from blood plasma proteins.
BRICKMAKINGSBRICKMAKING n. the making of bricks.
CAMIKNICKERScamiknickers n. (Dated) A women’s undergarment covering the torso, worn for example under short dresses or slacks.
CAMIKNICKERS n. a woman's undergarment combining a camisole and knickers, also CAMIKNICKS.
GOALKICKINGSGOALKICKING n. the kicking of a goal.
KARYOKINESISkaryokinesis n. (Biology) The process of change that takes place during the division of a cell nucleus at mitosis or meiosis.
KARYOKINESIS n. division of the cell nucleus.
KICKSTARTINGkickstarting v. Present participle of kickstart.
kick-starting v. Present participle of kick-start.
kick␣starting v. Present participle of kick start.
WALKINGSTICKwalkingstick n. Alternative form of walking stick.
walking-stick n. Alternative spelling of walking stick.
walking␣stick n. A tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking.
CLICKJACKINGSCLICKJACKING n. the practice of using a disguised hyperlink to direct an internet user to a website he or she does not wish to visit.
SKRIMSHANKINGskrimshanking v. Present participle of skrimshank.
SKRIMSHANK v. to evade work or duty, also SCRIMSHANK.
STICKYBEAKINGstickybeaking v. Present participle of stickybeak.
STICKYBEAK v. to pry.
WALKINGSTICKSwalkingsticks n. Plural of walkingstick.
walking-sticks n. Plural of walking-stick.
walking␣sticks n. Plural of walking stick.
STRIKEBREAKINGstrikebreaking v. Present participle of strikebreak.
strikebreaking n. Activity intended to disrupt or end a strike without an agreement by workers.
strikebreaking adj. Of or pertaining to such activity.
STRIKEBREAKINGSstrikebreakings n. Plural of strikebreaking.
STRIKEBREAKING n. action designed to break up a strike.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 284 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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