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There are 18 words containing A, H, I, M, O, R and X

THERMOTAXICthermotaxic adj. (Biology) Relating to the regulation of temperature in the animal body.
THERMOTAXIC adj. of or showing thermotaxis, also THERMOTACTIC.
THERMOTAXISthermotaxis n. (Biology) Movement in response to temperature.
THERMOTAXIS n. movement influenced or controlled by heat.
MORPHALLAXISmorphallaxis n. (Biology) The regeneration of specific tissue due to loss or death of the existing tissue.
MORPHALLAXIS n. regeneration in a changed form.
HYDROXYLAMINEhydroxylamine n. (Inorganic chemistry) An explosive inorganic derivative of ammonia, NH2OH, used as a reducing agent…
hydroxylamine n. (Organic chemistry) Any organic derivative of this compound.
HYDROXYLAMINE n. a colorless odorless nitrogenous base that resembles ammonia in its reactions.
XANTHOCHROISMxanthochroism n. Alternative form of xanthochromism.
XANTHOCHROISM n. a condition in which all skin pigments except yellow disappear.
XANTHOCHROMIAxanthochromia n. (Medicine) The yellowish appearance of cerebrospinal fluid that accompanies certain conditions, especially…
XANTHOCHROMIA n. any yellowish discoloration, esp. of the cerebrospinal fluid.
XEROPHTHALMIAxerophthalmia n. (Ophthalmology) A condition due to a deficiency of vitamin A where the conjunctiva and cornea become…
XEROPHTHALMIA n. extreme dryness of the conjunctive, thought to stem from a vitamin A deficiency, also XEROMA.
XEROPHTHALMICxerophthalmic adj. Of or pertaining to xerophthalmia.
XEROPHTHALMIC adj. relating to xerophthalmia.
ALEXIPHARMAKONalexipharmakon n. Alternative form of alexipharmacon.
ALEXIPHARMAKON n. an antidote to poison.
EXOTHERMICALLYexothermically adv. In an exothermic manner.
EXOTHERMIC adv. of a chemical reaction, giving out heat, also EXOTHERMAL.
HYDROXYLAMINEShydroxylamines n. Plural of hydroxylamine.
HYDROXYLAMINE n. a colorless odorless nitrogenous base that resembles ammonia in its reactions.
XANTHOCHROISMSXANTHOCHROISM n. a condition in which all skin pigments except yellow disappear.
XANTHOCHROMIASXANTHOCHROMIA n. any yellowish discoloration, esp. of the cerebrospinal fluid.
XEROPHTHALMIASxerophthalmias n. Plural of xerophthalmia.
XEROPHTHALMIA n. extreme dryness of the conjunctive, thought to stem from a vitamin A deficiency, also XEROMA.
XENOMORPHICALLYXENOMORPHIC adv. having a form not its own.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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