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There are 20 words containing A, 2H, L, 2N and S

ANTHELMINTHICSanthelminthics n. Plural of anthelminthic.
ANTHELMINTHIC n. a drug used against intestinal worms, also ANTHELMINTIC.
ANTIHELMINTHICSantihelminthics n. Plural of antihelminthic.
ANTIHELMINTHIC n. a drug designed to cure intestinal worms.
CHANNELOPATHIESchannelopathies n. Plural of channelopathy.
HALFPENNYWORTHShalfpennyworths n. Plural of halfpennyworth.
HALFPENNYWORTH n. as much as is sold for a halfpenny or is worth a halfpenny.
METHYLXANTHINESmethylxanthines n. Plural of methylxanthine.
METHYLXANTHINE n. a methylated xanthine derivative, such as caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline.
NAPHTHALENESnaphthalenes n. Plural of naphthalene.
NAPHTHALENE n. a crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon usually obtained by distillation of coal tar.
NAPHTHALINESnaphthalines n. Plural of naphthaline.
NAPHTHALINE n. a white crystalline volatile solid with a characteristic penetrating odour, an aromatic hydrocarbon, also NAPHTHALIN.
NAPHTHALINSnaphthalins n. Plural of naphthalin.
NAPHTHALIN n. a white crystalline volatile solid with a characteristic penetrating odour, an aromatic hydrocarbon, also NAPHTHALINE.
NAPHTHALISINGnaphthalising v. Present participle of naphthalise.
NAPHTHALISE v. to treat with naphtha, also NAPHTHALIZE.
NAPHTHYLAMINESnaphthylamines n. Plural of naphthylamine.
NAPHTHYLAMINE n. either of two isomeric crystalline bases used esp. as dye intermediates.
NEMATHELMINTHSnemathelminths n. Plural of nemathelminth.
NEMATHELMINTH n. a member of the Nemathelminthes, a phylum of worms including nematodes.
PHENETHYLAMINESphenethylamines n. Plural of phenethylamine.
PHTHALOCYANINESphthalocyanines n. Plural of phthalocyanine.
PHTHALOCYANINE n. any of a group of green and blue organic colouring matters of great fastness and brilliance, also PHTHALOCYANIN.
PHTHALOCYANINSphthalocyanins n. Plural of phthalocyanin.
PHTHALOCYANIN n. any of a group of green and blue organic colouring matters of great fastness and brilliance, also PHTHALOCYANINE.
RHINENCEPHALONSRHINENCEPHALON n. the olfactory lobe of the brain.
SULPHONMETHANESULPHONMETHANE n. a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULFONMETHANE.
SULPHONMETHANESSULPHONMETHANE n. a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULFONMETHANE.
UNHEALTHFULNESSunhealthfulness n. The state or quality of being unhealthful.
UNHEALTHFULNESS n. the state of being unhealthful.
UNHEALTHINESSunhealthiness n. The state of being unhealthy.
UNHEALTHINESS n. the state of being unhealthy.
UNHEALTHINESSESunhealthinesses n. Plural of unhealthiness.
UNHEALTHINESS n. the state of being unhealthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 580 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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