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There are 13 words containing A, G, M and 4O

COHOMOLOGICALcohomological adj. Of or pertaining to cohomology.
COHOMOLOGICAL adj. relating to cohomology.
HOMOLOGATIONhomologation n. (Organic chemistry) Any reaction that converts a compound into the next member of a homologous series…
homologation n. (Law) Official certification.
HOMOLOGATION n. confirmation, agreement.
HOMOLOGATIONShomologations n. Plural of homologation.
HOMOLOGATION n. confirmation, agreement.
HOMOLOGOUMENAHomologoumena n. (Christianity) Those books of the New Testament which were acknowledged as canonical by the early church;…
HOMOLOGOUMENA n. the books of the New Testament whose authenticity was universally acknowledged in the early Church, also HOMOLOGUMENA.
MACROSOCIOLOGYmacrosociology n. The subdiscipline of sociology that deals with large-scale human interactions on the level of populations…
MACROSOCIOLOGY n. the branch of sociology concerned with the study of human societies on a wide scale.
NONMONOGAMOUSnonmonogamous adj. Not monogamous.
NONMONOGAMOUS adj. not monogamous.
ONOMASIOLOGIESONOMASIOLOGY n. the branch of semantics concerned with the meanings of and meaning relations between individual words.
ONOMASIOLOGYonomasiology n. (Linguistics) A branch of lexicology concerned with the names of concepts.
ONOMASIOLOGY n. the branch of semantics concerned with the meanings of and meaning relations between individual words.
ONOMATOLOGIESonomatologies n. Plural of onomatology.
ONOMATOLOGY n. the science of names.
ONOMATOLOGISTonomatologist n. One versed in the history of names.
ONOMATOLOGIST n. one who studies onomatology, the science of names.
ONOMATOLOGISTSonomatologists n. Plural of onomatologist.
ONOMATOLOGIST n. one who studies onomatology, the science of names.
ONOMATOLOGYonomatology n. The study of the origins of names; onomastics.
ONOMATOLOGY n. the science of names.
PHOTOFLUOROGRAMphotofluorogram n. (Photography) A photograph made by photofluorography.
PHOTOFLUOROGRAM n. a photograph of a fluoroscopic image.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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