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There are 17 words containing A, G, L, N, P, S and W

ALPENGLOWSalpenglows n. Plural of alpenglow.
ALPENGLOW n. a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains.
CLINGWRAPScling␣wraps n. Plural of cling wrap.
CLINGWRAP n. a thin polythene material that clings closely to any surface around which it is placed: used for wrapping food.
GANGPLOWSGANGPLOW n. an agricultural implement.
LAPWINGSlapwings n. Plural of lapwing.
LAPWING n. a bird of the plover family with crested head.
PLAYWRITINGSplaywritings n. Plural of playwriting.
PLAYWRITING n. the writing of plays.
ROPEWALKINGSSorry, definition not available.
SLEEPWALKINGsleepwalking n. The act of walking while not conscious or aware of it, during one’s sleep.
sleepwalking v. Present participle of sleepwalk.
SLEEPWALKING n. walking in one's sleep.
SLEEPWALKINGSsleepwalkings n. Plural of sleepwalking.
SLEEPWALKING n. walking in one's sleep.
SPACEWALKINGspacewalking v. Present participle of spacewalk.
SPACEWALK v. to walk in space.
SPAWLINGspawling n. That which is spawled, or spat out.
SPAWL v. (archaic) to spit.
SPRAWLINGsprawling v. Present participle of sprawl.
sprawling adj. That sprawls.
sprawling adj. Expansive; extensive.
WALLOPINGSwallopings n. Plural of walloping.
WALLOPING n. a beating.
WHIPLASHINGwhiplashing v. Present participle of whiplash.
WHIPLASH v. to move like a whip.
WHIPSTALLINGwhipstalling v. Present participle of whipstall.
WHIPSTALL v. of an airplane, to stall causing the nose to whip forward and down.
WRANGLERSHIPwranglership n. The honor or position of being a wrangler at the University of Cambridge, England.
WRANGLERSHIP n. the office of wrangler.
WRANGLERSHIPSwranglerships n. Plural of wranglership.
WRANGLERSHIP n. the office of wrangler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 270 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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