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There are 20 words containing A, G, K, 2N, P and S

GANGPLANKSgangplanks n. Plural of gangplank.
gang-planks n. Plural of gang-plank.
gang␣planks n. Plural of gang plank.
KIDNAPINGSkidnapings n. Plural of kidnaping.
KIDNAPING n. an act of kidnaping.
KIDNAPPINGSkidnappings n. Plural of kidnapping.
KIDNAPPING n. the act of kidnapping.
KNEECAPPINGSkneecappings n. Plural of kneecapping.
knee-cappings n. Plural of knee-capping.
KNEECAPPING n. punishment by shooting through the kneecap.
NONSPEAKINGnonspeaking adj. Not speaking.
NONSPEAKING adj. not speaking.
PAINSTAKINGpainstaking adj. Carefully attentive to details; diligent in performing a process or procedure.
painstaking n. The application of careful and attentive effort.
PAINSTAKING adj. taking pains.
PAINSTAKINGLYpainstakingly adv. In a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully.
PAINSTAKING adv. taking pains.
PAINSTAKINGNESSpainstakingness n. The state or characteristic of being painstaking; the giving of careful attention to details.
PAINSTAKING n. taking pains.
PAINSTAKINGSpainstakings n. Plural of painstaking.
PAINSTAKING n. careful diligence.
PAWNBROKINGSPAWNBROKING n. the activity of a pawnbroker.
PLANKINGSplankings n. Plural of planking.
PLANKING n. a covering made of planks.
PRANKINGSprankings n. Plural of pranking.
PRANKING n. colourful adornment.
PRINTMAKINGSPRINTMAKING n. the act of making prints.
SPANKINGspanking v. Present participle of spank.
spanking adj. Fast and energetic.
spanking adj. (Often nautical) Brisk and fresh.
SPANKINGLYspankingly adv. In a spanking manner; vigorously; freshly.
SPANKING adv. spirited, going freely.
SPANKINGSspankings n. Plural of spanking.
SPANKING n. the act of one that spanks.
UNBESPEAKINGunbespeaking v. Present participle of unbespeak.
UNBESPEAK v. to unsay; hence, to annul or cancel.
UNPACKINGSunpackings n. Plural of unpacking.
UNPACKING n. the act of unpacking.
UNSPEAKINGunspeaking adj. Silent, not talking.
unspeaking adj. Mute, unable to speak for physical or psychological reasons.
unspeaking v. Present participle of unspeak.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 308 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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