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There are 20 words containing A, G, K, M, R and 2S

BERGAMASKOSBERGAMASKO n. an inhabitant of Bergamo.
BERGAMASKSBergamasks n. Plural of Bergamask.
BERGAMASK n. a rustic dance, also BERGOMASK.
BERGOMASKSbergomasks n. Plural of bergomask.
BERGOMASK n. a rustic dance, also BERGAMASK.
BLACKGUARDISMSblackguardisms n. Plural of blackguardism.
BLACKGUARDISM n. being a blackguard.
DRESSMAKINGdressmaking n. The craft of making custom clothing for women, such as dresses, blouses, and evening gowns.
DRESSMAKING n. the craft of making dresses.
DRESSMAKINGSdressmakings n. Plural of dressmaking.
DRESSMAKING n. the craft of making dresses.
GLASSMAKERglassmaker n. A person or company that makes glass or glass items.
GLASSMAKER n. one that makes glass.
GLASSMAKERSglassmakers n. Plural of glassmaker.
GLASSMAKER n. one that makes glass.
GREENBACKISMSGREENBACKISM n. the advocation of a paper currency backed only by the United States government.
KISSAGRAMkissagram n. Alternative form of kissogram.
KISSAGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissagram girl, also KISSOGRAM.
KISSAGRAMSkissagrams n. Plural of kissagram.
KISSAGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissagram girl, also KISSOGRAM.
KISSOGRAMkissogram n. A message delivered along with a kiss, usually arranged as a surprise on a special occasion.
KISSOGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissogram girl, also KISSAGRAM.
KISSOGRAMSkissograms n. Plural of kissogram.
KISSOGRAM n. a service whereby a kiss is delivered e.g. on someone's birthday by a kissogram girl, also KISSAGRAM.
MANRIKIGUSARISMANRIKIGUSARI n. (Japanese) a Japanese chain weapon with weighted ends.
MARLINGSPIKESmarlingspikes n. Plural of marlingspike.
marling␣spikes n. Plural of marling spike.
MARLINGSPIKE n. a tool used to separate rope strands while splicing, also MARLINESPIKE, MARLINSPIKE.
PHRASEMAKINGSphrasemakings n. Plural of phrasemaking.
PHRASEMAKING n. the act of making phrases.
SCRIMSHANKINGscrimshanking v. Present participle of scrimshank.
SCRIMSHANK v. to evade work or duty, also SKRIMSHANK.
SKIAGRAMSskiagrams n. Plural of skiagram.
SKIAGRAM n. a shadow picture or photograph.
SKRIMMAGESskrimmages n. Plural of skrimmage.
SKRIMSHANKINGskrimshanking v. Present participle of skrimshank.
SKRIMSHANK v. to evade work or duty, also SCRIMSHANK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 243 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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