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There are 18 words containing A, G, I, 2L, W and Y

BEWAILINGLYbewailingly adv. In a bewailing manner.
CRAWLINGLYcrawlingly adv. With a crawling motion.
crawlingly adv. (Figurative) In a humble or sycophantic manner.
CRAWLING adv. creeping; lousy, verminous.
DAWDLINGLYdawdlingly adv. In a dawdling manner.
DRAWLINGLYdrawlingly adv. Speaking with a drawl.
DRAWLING adv. DRAWL, to speak slowly with drawn out vowels.
DRYWALLINGdrywalling v. Present participle of drywall.
drywalling n. The installation and finishing of drywall.
DRYWALLING n. the act of building a drywall.
DRYWALLINGSDRYWALLING n. the act of building a drywall.
KNOWLEDGABILITYknowledgability n. Alternative form of knowledgeability.
KNOWLEDGABILITY n. the quality of being knowledgable.
MULLIGATAWNYmulligatawny n. An Indian soup having a meat base and curry seasoning.
MULLIGATAWNY n. (Tamil) an East Indian curry-soup.
SCRAWLINGLYscrawlingly adv. In a way that scrawls or scribbles.
SCRAWLING adv. of writing, hasty, illegible.
TWANGLINGLYTWANGLING adv. making a twangling sound.
WAGGLINGLYWAGGLING adv. WAGGLE, to wag, move from side to side.
WAILINGLYwailingly adv. With a wailing sound.
WAILING adv. making a wailing sound.
WALLYDRAIGLEwallydraigle n. A feeble or underdeveloped person or animal.
WALLYDRAIGLE n. (Scots) a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature, also WALLYDRAG.
WALLYDRAIGLESwallydraigles n. Plural of wallydraigle.
WALLYDRAIGLE n. (Scots) a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature, also WALLYDRAG.
WAMBLINGLYwamblingly adv. In a wambling manner; shakily; unsteadily.
WAMBLING adv. moving unsteadily.
WARBLINGLYwarblingly adv. With a warbling sound.
WARBLING adv. making a warbling sound.
WHILLYWHAINGWHILLYWHA v. (Scots) to coax, wheedle, cajole, also WHILLYWHAW.
WHILLYWHAWINGWHILLYWHAW v. (Scots) to coax, wheedle, cajole, also WHILLYWHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 149 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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