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There are 14 words containing A, G, I, J, O, R and U

ADJOURNINGadjourning v. Present participle of adjourn.
ADJOURN v. to suspend until a later time.
JAGUARONDIjaguarondi n. Alternative spelling of jaguarundi.
JAGUARONDI n. (Tupi) a South American wild cat, aka eyra, also JAGUARUNDI.
JOURNALINGjournaling n. The activity of keeping a diary, or journal.
journaling n. (Computing, by extension) The change log of the file system or database.
journaling v. Present participle of journal.
JAGUARONDISjaguarondis n. Plural of jaguarondi.
JAGUARONDI n. (Tupi) a South American wild cat, aka eyra, also JAGUARUNDI.
JOURNALINGSjournalings n. Plural of journaling.
JOURNALING n. the act of recording in a journal, also JOURNALLING.
JOURNALLINGjournalling n. Alternative form of journaling.
JOURNALLING n. the act of recording in a journal, also JOURNALING.
OBJURGATINGobjurgating v. Present participle of objurgate.
OBJURGATE v. to scold or rebuke sharply, to berate.
OBJURGATIONobjurgation n. (Uncommon) A strong rebuke or scolding.
OBJURGATION n. a rebuke, a scolding.
OBJURGATIVEobjurgative adj. That objurgates; sharply disapproving.
OBJURGATIVE adj. chiding, scolding, also OBJURGATORY.
JOURNALISINGjournalising v. Present participle of journalise.
JOURNALISE v. to write for or in a journal, also JOURNALIZE.
JOURNALIZINGjournalizing v. Present participle of journalize.
JOURNALIZE v. to enter or record in a journal or diary, also JOURNALISE.
JOURNALLINGSjournallings n. Plural of journalling.
JOURNALLING n. the act of recording in a journal, also JOURNALING.
OBJURGATIONSobjurgations n. Plural of objurgation.
OBJURGATION n. a rebuke, a scolding.
OVERADJUSTINGoveradjusting v. Present participle of overadjust.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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