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There are 18 words containing A, G, H, I, S, U and Y

AGUISHLYaguishly adv. (Now rare) In an aguish manner; as though suffering from ague.
AGUISH adv. having the qualities of an ague; feverish.
HUSHABYINGhushabying v. Present participle of hushaby.
HUSHABY v. to sing a lullaby, also HUSHABYE.
SOUTHSAYINGsouthsaying n. Obsolete form of soothsaying.
SOUTHSAY v. to foretell, to divine, also SOOTHSAY.
CHIKUNGUNYASSorry, definition not available.
DISTRAUGHTLYdistraughtly adv. In a distraught manner.
DISTRAUGHT adv. agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain.
EXHAUSTINGLYexhaustingly adv. In an exhausting manner.
EXHAUSTINGLY adv. in the manner of using the whole strength of.
HYPOGASTRIUMhypogastrium n. An area of the human abdomen residing below the umbilicus.
HYPOGASTRIUM n. (Latin) the lower middle abdominal region.
SUPERHIGHWAYsuperhighway n. (US) An expressway, especially one designed for high speeds.
superhighway n. (By extension) A major route that carries most of the traffic going in a given direction by a specified…
superhighway n. (Metaphoric) The primary mechanism used in the movement of electronic data or information; information superhighway.
LANGUISHINGLYlanguishingly adv. In a languishing manner.
LANGUISHING adv. losing vigor or vitality.
SUPERHIGHWAYSsuperhighways n. Plural of superhighway.
SUPERHIGHWAY n. a multilane highway (as an expressway or turnpike) designed for high-speed traffic.
HYDRAULICKINGSHYDRAULICKING n. the act of excavating with powerful jets of water.
ICHTHYOPHAGOUSichthyophagous adj. (Biology) feeding on fish.
ICHTHYOPHAGOUS adj. fish-eating.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHYpseudepigraphy n. The composition of pseudepigrapha, false credit of authorship to give ideas greater legitimacy.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHY n. the ascription of false names of authors to works.
PSYCHOSURGICALpsychosurgical adj. Relating to psychosurgery.
PSYCHOSURGICAL adj. relating to psychosurgery.
UNHESITATINGLYunhesitatingly adv. In an unhesitating manner.
UNHESITATING adv. not hesitating.
UNSYMPATHISINGunsympathising adj. Alternative form of unsympathizing.
UNSYMPATHISING adj. not sympathising, also UNSYMPATHIZING.
UNSYMPATHIZINGunsympathizing adj. Failing to sympathize; lacking sympathy.
UNSYMPATHIZING adj. not sympathizing, also UNSYMPATHISING.
DISTINGUISHABLYdistinguishably adv. In a distinguishable way.
DISTINGUISHABLE adv. capable of being distinguished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 405 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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