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There are 15 words containing A, 2G, 2O, S and U

AUTOSUGGESTIONautosuggestion n. The practice of suggesting thoughts to oneself, as in autohypnosis.
autosuggestion n. An instance of suggesting a thought to oneself.
autosuggestion n. (Computing, uncountable) An autosuggest feature.
AUTOSUGGESTIONSautosuggestions n. Plural of autosuggestion.
auto-suggestions n. Plural of auto-suggestion.
AUTOSUGGESTION n. an influencing of one's own attitudes, behavior, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought.
BRAGGADOCIOUSbraggadocious adj. Exhibiting braggadocio; characterized by empty boasts.
BRAGGADOCIOUS adj. boastful.
CHOLAGOGUEScholagogues n. Plural of cholagogue.
CHOLAGOGUE n. an agent which increases the flow of bile and promotes its ejection.
GAMETOGENOUSgametogenous adj. Of or pertaining to gametogenesis.
GAMETOGENOUS adj. relating to gametogenesis, also GAMETOGENIC.
GEITONOGAMOUSgeitonogamous adj. Relating to or exhibiting geitonogamy.
GEITONOGAMOUS adj. relating to geitonogamy, pollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant.
GEOPHAGOUSgeophagous adj. Eating earth.
GEOPHAGOUS adj. earth-eating.
NONGREGARIOUSnongregarious adj. (Zoology) Not gregarious; solitary. Compare ungregarious.
NONGREGARIOUS adj. not gregarious.
OLIGOPHAGOUSoligophagous adj. (Chiefly of insects) that feed on a restricted range of food.
OLIGOPHAGOUS adj. eating only a few specific kinds of food.
OUTORGANISINGOUTORGANISE v. to surpass at organisation, also OUTORGANIZE.
PROTOLANGUAGESprotolanguages n. Plural of protolanguage.
proto-languages n. Plural of proto-language.
PROTOLANGUAGE n. an assumed or recorded ancestral language.
SIALOGOGUEsialogogue n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that increases the flow of saliva.
SIALOGOGUE n. anything that stimulates the flow of saliva, also SIALAGOGUE.
SIALOGOGUESsialogogues n. Plural of sialogogue.
SIALOGOGUE n. anything that stimulates the flow of saliva, also SIALAGOGUE.
TAUTOLOGISINGtautologising v. Present participle of tautologise.
TAUTOLOGISE v. to use tautology, also TAUTOLOGIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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