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There are 18 words containing A, 2F, G, R and 2S

SUFFRAGESsuffrages n. Plural of suffrage.
SUFFRAGE n. the right to vote.
SHROFFAGESSHROFFAGE n. the examination of coins, and the separation of the good from the debased.
SUFFRAGANSsuffragans n. Plural of suffragan.
SUFFRAGAN n. an assistant bishop; any bishop in relation to his metropolitan.
SUFFRAGISMsuffragism n. (Historical) A political movement in the late 19th century that fought for women’s right to vote in…
SUFFRAGISM n. voting rights.
SUFFRAGISTsuffragist n. A person who promotes suffrage.
suffragist n. One who votes.
SUFFRAGIST n. one who possesses or exercises the political right of suffrage.
GRAFFITISTSgraffitists n. Plural of graffitist.
GRAFFITIST n. one who draws graffiti.
STROGANOFFSstroganoffs n. Plural of stroganoff.
STROGANOFF n. (Russian) of meat, cut thinly and cooked with onions.
SUFFRAGISTSsuffragists n. Plural of suffragist.
SUFFRAGIST n. one who possesses or exercises the political right of suffrage.
SUFFRAGETTESsuffragettes n. Plural of suffragette.
SUFFRAGETTE n. (historical) a member of a movement demanding votes for women.
SUFFRAGANSHIPsuffraganship n. The rank or office of a suffragan.
SUFFRAGANSHIP n. the office a suffragan.
SUFFRAGETTISMsuffragettism n. The suffragette movement for women’s voting rights.
SUFFRAGETTISM n. belief in the aims of the suffragette.
AGRIFOODSTUFFSagrifoodstuffs n. Plural of agrifoodstuff.
AGRIFOODSTUFFS n. the foods produced by agriculture.
DISAFFORESTINGdisafforesting v. Present participle of disafforest.
DISAFFOREST v. to clear of forest, also DISFOREST.
SUFFRAGANSHIPSsuffraganships n. Plural of suffraganship.
SUFFRAGANSHIP n. the office a suffragan.
SUFFRAGETTISMSSUFFRAGETTISM n. belief in the aims of the suffragette.
UNDERSTAFFINGSunderstaffings n. Plural of understaffing.
UNDERSTAFFING n. inadequate staffing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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