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There are 16 words containing A, E, M, N, T and 2Y

AMITRYPTYLINEamitryptyline n. Alternative spelling of amitriptyline.
AMITRYPTYLINE n. an antidepressant drug, also AMITRIPTYLINE.
CALYCANTHEMYCALYCANTHEMY n. the condition of having the calyx like a corolla.
COENZYMATICALLYcoenzymatically adv. In a coenzymatic manner.
COENZYMATIC adv. relating to a coenzyme.
DYNAMOMETRYdynamometry n. The measurement of forces doing work.
DYNAMOMETRY n. measurement by dynamometer.
ENZYMATICALLYenzymatically adv. In terms of, or by using, enzymes.
ENZYMATIC adv. of or like an enzyme, also ENZYMIC.
GYNAECOMASTYgynaecomasty n. Alternative form of gynecomastia.
gynæcomasty n. Obsolete typography of gynaecomasty.
GYNAECOMASTY n. the abnormal enlargement of a man's breast, also GYNAECOMASTIA, GYNECOMASTIA.
HYMENOPLASTYhymenoplasty n. (Medicine) Plastic surgery affecting a woman’s hymen, usually involving reconstruction to the unbroken…
HYMENOPLASTY n. surgical reconstruction of the hymen to give the appearance of virginity, usually for religious or cultural reasons.
LARYNGECTOMYlaryngectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of part or all of the larynx, most often performed in cases of laryngeal cancer.
LARYNGECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the larynx.
LYMPHADENOPATHYlymphadenopathy n. (Medicine) An abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes; it is often a nonspecific sign of infection but…
LYMPHADENOPATHY n. abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes.
LYMPHOCYTOPENIAlymphocytopenia n. (Pathology) An abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
LYMPHOCYTOPENIA n. an abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
METONYMICALLYmetonymically adv. In a metonymic fashion; using metonymy.
METONYMICAL adv. relating to a metonym, a word used in metonymy, also METONYMIC.
POLYEMBRYONATEpolyembryonate adj. (Botany) Consisting of, or having, several embryos; polyembryonic.
POLYEMBRYONATE adj. forming more than one embryo from one ovule or from one fertilized ovum.
TYNDALLIMETRYTYNDALLIMETRY n. the determination of the concentration of suspended material in a liquid by measuring the amount of light scattered.
UNEMPLOYABILITYunemployability n. The state or condition of being unemployable.
UNEMPLOYABILITY n. the state of being unemployable.
UNSYMMETRICALLYunsymmetrically adv. In an unsymmetrical way.
UNSYMMETRICAL adv. not symmetrical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 659 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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