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There are 11 words containing A, E, 2L, 2U and V

UNVALUABLEunvaluable adj. (Obsolete) Invaluable; beyond price.
unvaluable adj. (Rare) Not valuable; having little value.
UNVALUABLE adj. not valuable.
VULPECULARvulpecular adj. Vulpine, foxlike.
VULPECULAR adj. resembling or characteristic of a fox.
CUMULATIVELYcumulatively adv. In a cumulative manner.
CUMULATIVE adv. increasing by successive additions.
UNCULTIVABLEuncultivable adj. Not capable of cultivation.
UNCULTIVABLE adj. not cultivable.
UNVULNERABLEunvulnerable adj. Obsolete form of invulnerable.
UNVULNERABLE adj. (Shakespeare) invulnerable.
UNEQUIVOCALLYunequivocally adv. In a way that leaves no doubt; in an unequivocal or unambiguous manner, unquestionably.
UNEQUIVOCAL adv. leaving no doubt, also UNEQUIVOCABLE.
ACCUMULATIVELYaccumulatively adv. In an accumulative manner.
ACCUMULATIVE adv. tending or given to accumulation.
QUAQUAVERSALLYquaquaversally adv. In a quaquaversal way.
QUAQUAVERSAL adv. sloping downward from the center in all directions.
ULTRAEXCLUSIVEultraexclusive adj. Particularly exclusive.
ULTRAEXCLUSIVE adj. extremely exclusive.
UNCULTIVATABLEuncultivatable adj. Uncultivable.
UNCULTIVATABLE adj. not cultivatable.
CONVOLVULACEOUSconvolvulaceous adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or resembling the family of plants of which the bindweed and morning glory…
CONVOLVULACEOUS adj. belonging to the genus Convulvulaceae, that includes bindweed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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