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There are 9 words containing A, E, 4L and V

VALPOLICELLAValpolicella n. A dry red wine made in the region of Verona, Italy, from various local grape varieties and consequently…
VALPOLICELLA n. a red or rose wine made in the Val Policella district.
VALPOLICELLASValpolicellas n. Plural of Valpolicella.
VALPOLICELLA n. a red or rose wine made in the Val Policella district.
VEXILLOLOGICALvexillological adj. Of or pertaining to vexillology.
VEXILLOLOGICAL adj. relating to vexillology, the study of flags, also VEXILLOLOGIC.
VILLANELLAvillanella n. An old rustic dance, accompanied by singing.
VILLANELLA n. an old rustic dance, accompanied with singing.
VILLANELLASvillanellas n. Plural of villanella.
VILLANELLA n. an old rustic dance, accompanied with singing.
VILLANELLEvillanelle n. (Poetry) A type of poem, consisting of five tercets and one quatrain, with only two rhymes.
VILLANELLE n. (French) a poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain.
VILLANELLESvillanelles n. Plural of villanelle.
VILLANELLE n. (French) a poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain.
VOLLEYBALLvolleyball n. (Uncountable) A game played on a rectangular court between two teams of two to six players which involves…
volleyball n. (Countable) The inflated ball used in such a game.
volley-ball n. Alternative spelling of volleyball.
VOLLEYBALLSvolleyballs n. Plural of volleyball.
VOLLEYBALL n. a game played by volleying an inflated ball over a net.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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