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There are 20 words containing A, E, 4L and S

ALLOSTERICALLYallosterically adv. In an allosteric manner.
allosterically adv. With regard to allostery.
ALLOSTERIC adv. of an enzyme, influenced by a combination with another substance.
ALLYCHOLLIESALLYCHOLLY n. (Shakespeare) melancholy, also ALLICHOLY.
DILLYDALLIESdillydallies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dillydally.
dilly-dallies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dilly-dally.
dilly␣dallies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dilly dally.
LAMELLIROSTRALlamellirostral adj. (Zoology) Having a lamellate bill.
LAMELLIROSTRAL adj. having transverse lamellae within the edge of the bill, also LAMELLIROSTRATE.
LEGALISTICALLYlegalistically adv. In a legalistic manner; in a manner promoting legalism.
LEGALISTIC adv. inclined to legalism.
MILLESIMALLYmillesimally adv. In thousandths.
MILLESIMAL adv. thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts.
POLYSYLLABLEpolysyllable n. A word with more than two syllables. Sometimes used in a more restricted sense.
POLYSYLLABLE n. a polysyllabic word.
POLYSYLLABLESpolysyllables n. Plural of polysyllable.
POLYSYLLABLE n. a polysyllabic word.
PRALLTRILLERSpralltrillers n. Plural of pralltriller.
PRALLTRILLER n. a musical ornament comprising a mordent plus an added upper note.
ROLLERBALLSrollerballs n. Plural of rollerball.
ROLLERBALL n. a pen having a small moving nylon, plastic, or metal ball as a writing point.
SHILLYSHALLIEDshilly-shallied v. Simple past tense and past participle of shilly-shally.
SHILLYSHALLY v. to be indecisive.
SHILLYSHALLIERshilly-shallier n. One who shilly-shallies.
SHILLYSHALLIER n. one who is indecisive.
SHILLYSHALLIERSshilly-shalliers n. Plural of shilly-shallier.
SHILLYSHALLIER n. one who is indecisive.
SHILLYSHALLIESshilly-shallies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shilly-shally.
SHILLYSHALLY v. to be indecisive.
STELLULARLYSTELLULAR adv. starlike; having starlike spots.
SYLLEPTICALLYsylleptically adv. By syllepsis.
SYLLEPTICAL adv. relating to syllepsis, a construction in which a word governs two or more other words, also SYLLEPTIC.
VALPOLICELLASValpolicellas n. Plural of Valpolicella.
VALPOLICELLA n. a red or rose wine made in the Val Policella district.
VILLANELLASvillanellas n. Plural of villanella.
VILLANELLA n. an old rustic dance, accompanied with singing.
VILLANELLESvillanelles n. Plural of villanelle.
VILLANELLE n. (French) a poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain.
VOLLEYBALLSvolleyballs n. Plural of volleyball.
VOLLEYBALL n. a game played by volleying an inflated ball over a net.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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