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There are 9 words containing A, E, 2I, P and 2Z

BENZODIAZEPINEbenzodiazepine n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of psychoactive drugs, structured upon diazepine, used in the treatment…
BENZODIAZEPINE n. any of a group of amines (as diazepam and chlordiazepoxide) used esp. as tranquilizers.
BENZODIAZEPINESbenzodiazepines n. Plural of benzodiazepine.
BENZODIAZEPINE n. any of a group of amines (as diazepam and chlordiazepoxide) used esp. as tranquilizers.
PIZAZZIERpizazzier adj. Comparative form of pizazzy: more pizazzy.
PIZAZZY adj. full of pizazz, also PIZZAZZY.
PIZAZZIESTPIZAZZY adj. full of pizazz, also PIZZAZZY.
PIZZALIKEpizzalike adj. Resembling a pizza.
PIZZALIKE adj. like a pizza.
PIZZAZZIERpizzazzier adj. Comparative form of pizzazzy: more pizzazzy.
PIZZAZZY adj. full of pizzazz, panache, flamboyance, also PIZAZZY.
PIZZAZZIESTPIZZAZZY adj. full of pizzazz, panache, flamboyance, also PIZAZZY.
PIZZERIApizzeria n. A restaurant that bakes and sells pizzas.
PIZZERIA n. (Italian) a place where pizzas are made and sold.
PIZZERIASpizzerias n. Plural of pizzeria.
PIZZERIA n. (Italian) a place where pizzas are made and sold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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