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There are 18 words containing A, E, H, N, 2S and X

ANDROSPHINXESandrosphinxes n. Plural of androsphinx.
ANDROSPHINX n. a sphinx having the head of a man.
DEXAMETHASONESdexamethasones n. Plural of dexamethasone.
DEXAMETHASONE n. a synthetic glucocorticoid used esp. as an anti-inflammatory agent.
EXAMINERSHIPSexaminerships n. Plural of examinership.
EXAMINERSHIP n. the office of examiner.
EXHAUSTIONSexhaustions n. Plural of exhaustion.
EXHAUSTION n. the act of exhausting.
EXHAUSTIVENESSexhaustiveness n. The state of being exhaustive.
EXHAUSTIVE n. testing all possibilities or considering all elements.
EXHAUSTLESSNESSexhaustlessness n. (Dated) inexhaustibility; infinite supply.
EXHAUSTLESS n. inexhaustible.
EXTINGUISHANTSextinguishants n. Plural of extinguishant.
EXTINGUISHANT n. a substance used to extinguish fires.
HEXASTICHONSHEXASTICHON n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICH.
HEXOKINASEShexokinases n. Plural of hexokinase.
HEXOKINASE n. an enzyme.
HEXOSAMINIDASEhexosaminidase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal hexosamine residues in hexosaminides.
HEXOSAMINIDASE n. either of two hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the splitting off of a hexose from a ganglioside and are deficient in some metabolic diseases.
HEXOSAMINIDASEShexosaminidases n. Plural of hexosaminidase.
HEXOSAMINIDASE n. either of two hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the splitting off of a hexose from a ganglioside and are deficient in some metabolic diseases.
HEXOSANShexosans n. Plural of hexosan.
HEXOSAN n. a polysaccharide that yields hexose on hydrolysis.
HIERACOSPHINXEShieracosphinxes n. Plural of hieracosphinx.
HIERACOSPHINX n. in ancient Egyptian art, a hawk-headed sphinx.
MORPHOSYNTAXESmorphosyntaxes n. Plural of morphosyntax.
MORPHOSYNTAX n. the study of the interaction of morphology and syntax.
NASOPHARYNXESnasopharynxes n. Plural of nasopharynx.
NASOPHARYNX n. the upper part of the pharynx continuous with the nasal passages.
NONHOMOSEXUALSnonhomosexuals n. Plural of nonhomosexual.
NONHOMOSEXUAL n. one who is not homosexual.
SAXOPHONESsaxophones n. Plural of saxophone.
SAXOPHONE n. a jazz and dance band instrument with a reed, an S-shaped (properly metal) tube, and about twenty finger-keys.
SULPHADOXINESSULPHADOXINE n. an antibiotic drug of the sulphonamide group, commonly used in combination with pyrimethamine to treat malaria, also SULFADOXINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 263 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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